
When does ++ not produce the same results as +1?

The following two C# code snippets produce different results (assuming the variable level is used both before and after the recursive call). Why? public DoStuff(int level) { // ... DoStuff(level++); // ... } , public DoStuff(int level) { // ... DoStuff(level+1); // ... } After reading some of the responses below I thoug...

Obj-C -> Incrementing a number (and showing steps on a Cocoa label)

I'm new with Objective-C, so there probably is a simple solution to this. I want a number to increment, but each iteration to be show on a label. (for example, it shows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... displayed apart by an amount of time). I tried: #import "testNums.h" @implementation testNums - (IBAction)start:(id)sender { int i; for(i = 0...

Why is ++i considered an l-value, but i++ is not?

Why is ++i is l-value? and i++ not Initially there were 2 questions one was removed since that was exact duplicate. So don't down vote the answers that were answering difference between pre- and post-increment. ...

incrementing array value with each button press?

Hi, I am building a calculator in C#. I am not sure what the best way is to have it increment a number in an array every time the button is pressed. Here is one of my current button event handler methods: //Assign button '2' to 2 with array address of 1 private void num2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { numbers[1...

Visual Studio 6 VC++ Project version - how do I increment it?

I am making changes to an old program written in VC++6. the project resources include a 'version' set which include the following: Block Header Comments Company Name File Version Product Version Both FileVersion and ProductVersion are at (where the 97 is a build number and increments each time I build the project) My changes a...

Java, infinite while loop, incrementation

Hello, in the following example program in Java, I get infinite loop, and I cannot understand why: public class Time { public static int next(int v) { return v++; } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] z = {3, 2, 1, 0}; int i = 1; while(i < 4) { System.out.println(z[i]/z[i]); i...

Increment a Hex value (JAVA)

Hi, can you increment a hex value in Java? i.e. "hex value" = "hex value"++ ...

Primarykey violation in restored database

Hi, I set up the transactional replication(not updatable subscriber) between sql server 2005 database. The tables in published database have identity columns. The tables were replicated without problem. But when I back up and restore the subscriber database, I could not insert row in a table which contains identity increment field and i...

Inserting increment for each unique value in sql.

Hello, I've been tasked with a SQL problem that is outside of the limited scope of sql knowledge that I have. I have the following problem. I have a table that currently looks like this: widgets --------- a a a b b c d d d I would like to have another table that has each unique value incrementall...

I'm looking for an application/text editor that....

can best help me systematically modify the "replace" field of a regex search as it encounters each match. For example, I have an xml file that needs the phrase "id = $number" inserted at regular points in the text, and basically, $number++ each time the regex matches (id = 1, id = 2, etc) until the end of the file. I know I could just ...

How do I GROUP BY on every given increment of a field value?

I have a Python application. It has an SQLite database, full of data about things that happen, retrieved by a Web scraper from the Web. This data includes time-date groups, as Unix timestamps, in a column reserved for them. I want to retrieve the names of organisations that did things and count how often they did them, but to do this for...

How to increment a counter each page load (in PHP)?

I want a certain action to happen when a user has visited X pages of a site Do I have to store the counter externally (in a txt file or db)? I can't think of a way to set the counter to 0, then increment it each page load. The counter would always get reset to 0, or am I missing something obvious? ...

How to turn char a into b in

Hi i am trying to increment a char in, eg: Dim letter As Char = "a"c. and i want to make it b, and so on. how can i do this? ...

increment version in .rc files

How I can automatic increment file version in my project. Is there any script for that (batch...)? Tnx ...

Is there a difference between x++ and ++x in java?

Is there a difference between ++x and x++ in java? ...

Static counter to be repeatedly incremented by NSTimer

Every 1/16 of a second, I have an NSTimer that fires, calling a method each time. I want to create a static integer that is increased by '1' each time the method is called, once the static integer is equal to '16', I wish to call another method and reset the static integer to '0'. Any insight is greatly appreciated. (Language is Obj-C)...

SQL Checking for NULL and incrementals

I'd like to check if there is anything to return given a number to check against, and if that query returns no entries, increase the number until an entry is reached and display that entry. Currently, the code looks like this : SELECT * FROM news WHERE DATEDIFF(day, date, getdate() ) <= #url.d# ORDER BY date desc where #u...

JQuery/JavaScript increment number

Hi Guys, I am trying to increment a number by a given value each second and retain the formatting using JavaScript or JQuery I am struggling to do it. Say I have a number like so: 1412015 the number which this can be incremented by each second is variable it could be anything beween 0.1 and 2. Is it possible, if the value which...

How to program a vote up system?

I am in the very beginnings of teaching myself php. I am giving myself micro projects to push myself. Thus far I have a MYSQL database, created through a php form. One Column is for karma. I have the values of the database table display in an html table, and at the end of each row, I would like a click on a hyperlink, lets say a plus si...

Why use ++i instead of i++ in cases where the value is not used anywhere else in the statement?

I'm well aware that in C++ int someValue = i++; array[i++] = otherValue; has different effect compared to int someValue = ++i; array[++i] = otherValue; but every once in a while I see statements with prefix increment in for-loops or just by their own: for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { //do stuff } or for( int i = 0; i < ...