
C programming language, increment-decrement operators.

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int i=5; printf("%d",--i - ++i);//give output=0 printf("%d",++i + ++i);//give output=14 printf("%d",i++ + ++i);// give output=12 printf("%d",--i + ++i);// give output=10 printf("%d",i+++++i); // error : invalid lvalue in increment /* in this case tell me how parsing of expression i+++++i ...

Do you know a custom tag to increment a value in a Django template?

One very annoying thing with strict MVC is that you can make the smallest processing in template. While it's usually a good practice, in this case it gets in the way: I make a for loop on a queryset of a lot of objects and display some attributes; Attributes are properties, making heavy processing (I don't want to trigger them twice). ...

c++ Increment operator.

Possible Duplicate: Difference between i++ and ++i in a loop? Is there a difference between i++ and ++i ? ...

Incrementing one value of a MATLAB array multiple times in one line

This is a question about incrementing one value of a MATLAB array multiple times in the same statement, without having to use a for loop. I set my array as: >> A = [10 20 30]; And then run: >> A([1, 1]) = A([1, 1]) + [20 3] A = 13 20 30 Clearly the 20 is ignored. However, i would like it to be included, so that: >> A ...

Can solr be used to increment/decrement?

I am working on a project right now that has a solr index of counts and ids. I am currently researching if it is possible to increment/decrement on solr directly, instead of having to retrieve the data, increment it with PHP, and then reinsert it into solr. I have spent an hour googling variations of this to no avail. Any information wo...

Thread-safe way to increment and return an integer in Delphi

In a single-threaded application I use code like this: Interface function GetNextUID : integer; Implementation function GetNextUID : integer; const cUID : integer = 0; begin inc( cUID ); result := cUID; end; This could of course be implemented as a singleton object, etc. - I'm just giving the simp...