
Periodically Animating-up a Number with Javascript

I've got an element on my page that I would like to increment from time to time: <p class="count">28</p> Within my javascript, I have an interval that runs once every 5 seconds and asynchronously grabs the new (higher) number from the server. This functions somewhat along the lines of a counter. setInterval(function(){ $.post("getc...

jQuery incrementing an ID and var on click

I am trying to do a button that increments on click his ID and a variable. i was able to find some code on StackOverflow that increases the value of an input field but I do not know to change it from there. Here is the Markup: <input type="text" name="qty" value="0" /> <p id="inc">Increase</p> <p id="dec">Decrease</p> And jQuery <sc...

I've got to update a column in one SQL table with a counter stored in another table, and update that table too

I'm using SQL server 2005 (for testing) & 2007 (for production). I have to add a unique record ID to all the records in my table, in an existing column, using a "last record ID" column from another table. So, I'm going to do some sort of UPDATE of my table, but I have to get the "last record ID" from the other table, increment it, upd...

How to increment variable names/Is this a bad idea

In Python, if I were to have a user input the number X, and then the program enters a for loop in which the user inputs X values, is there a way/is it a bad idea to have variable names automatically increment? ie: user inputs '6' value_1 = ... value_2 = ... value_3 = ... value_4 = ... value_5 = ... value_6 = ...

Web Service to return unique auto incremented human readable id number

I'm looking to create a simple web service that when polled returns a unique id. The ID has to be human readable (i.e. not a guid, probably in the form 000023) and is simply incremented by 1 each time its called. Now I need to consider that it may be called by two different applications at the same time and I don't want it to return the...

whether a language needs preIncrement (++x) and postIncrement (x++)

i have never seen the usecase for preincrement and postincrement in actual code. The only place i see them most often are puzzles. My opinion is, it introduces more confusion rather than being useful. is there any real use case scenario for this can't this can be done by using += y = x++ y = x x += 1 ...

Create an incrementing timer in seconds in 00:00 format?

I want to create an incrementing second timer like a stopwatch. So I want to be able to display the seconds and minutes incrementing in the format 00:01... Google only brings up 24 hour clock examples, I was wondering could anyone get me started with an example or tutorial of what I want to do? Edit: Here is what I have using the Chr...

Increment non unique field during SQL insert

I'm not sure how to word this cause I am a little confused at the moment, so bare with me while I attempt to explain, I have a table with the following fields: OrderLineID, OrderID, OrderLine, and a few other unimportant ones. OrderLineID is the primary key and is always unique(which isn't a problem), OrderID is a foreign key that isn...

java for loop pre-increment vs post-increment

Possible Duplicate: Why doesnt changing the pre to the post increment at the iteration part of a for loop make a difference? for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) System.out.print(i + ".."); //prints 0..1..2 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) System.out.print(i + ".."); //prints 0..1..2 So what is the difference? in what cases can th...

bash script variable inside variable

x=1 c1=string1 c2=string2 c3=string3 echo $c1 string1 I'd like to have the output be string1 by using something like: echo $(c($x)) So later in the script I can increment the value of x and have it output string1, then string2 and string3. Can anyone point me in the right direction? ...

What are your build and release steps? When to increment build numbers?

I am having trouble defining and automating my build process despite simple requirements: Every build should have a unique build number. Every tagged release should be reproducible What I have: A C++, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x, Subversion development environment. A build machine ( actually a virtual machine ) A version.h file ...

error C2059: syntax error : ']', i cant figure out why this coming up in c++

void display_totals(); int exam1[100][3];// array that can hold 100 numbers for 1st column int exam2[100][3];// array that can hold 100 numbers for 2nd column int exam3[100][3];// array that can hold 100 numbers for 3rd column int main() { int go,go2,go3; go=read_file_in_array; go2= calculate_total(exam1[],exam2[],exam3[]); ...

Javascript & jquery : Unable to increment within a form

I got a simple increment function like this: $(function(){ $("#inc").click(function(){ var value = parseInt($(":text[name='ice_id']").val()) + 1; $(":text[name='ice_id']").val(value); }); $("#dec").click(function(){ var value = parseInt($(":text[name='ice_id']").val()) - 1; $(":text[name='ic...

CakePHP: How to increment count for multiple rows in paginated query

Hello all, In CakePHP, I have this code: $data = $this->paginate('Model', array("MATCH(Model.colA) AGAINST('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")); And I am trying to increment by 1 the values of Model.colB for the rows retrieved (10 per page). So I'm guessing it's something like: $data = $this->paginate('Model', array("MATCH(Model.colA) AGAINST('$...

Increment a database field by 1

With MySQL, if I have a field, of say logins, how would I go about updating that field by 1 within a sql command? I'm trying to create an INSERT query, that creates firstName, lastName and logins. However if the combination of firstName and lastName already exists, increment the logins by 1. so the table might look like this.. firstN...

VB.NET Incrementing Indexes

Hello, I am having trouble incrementing the indexes of my list item properties. Here is the code. Dim i As Integer = 0 For x As Integer = 1 To list.Count / 19 database.ExecuteCommand("INSERT INTO Contacts VALUES ('" + _ list.Item(i) + "', '" + _ ...

incremental OL using letters (jQuery)

Hi, I'm trying to dynamically add a span to an ol, where the counter should be in letters. eg: A result B result C result etc etc I've got this code which is great for using numbers but I've no idea what to do to it to make the numbers into letters jQuery(document).ready( function() { jQuery('.results ol').each(function () { ...

Check name is unique if not append

My application requires the user to enter their business name, which the application will automatically create into a unique identifier to be used in URLs, ie "Bob's Cafe" will become "bobs-cafe" But if there are duplicate names I would like the application to add a number so if there is already a "bobs-cafe" we will use "bobs-cafe-1" ...

Probleme with id increment

hello, when i do this request i have an error INSERT INTO FR_METIERPUBLI( D_NIDMTR, D_NIDPUBLI ) VALUES ( 'SELECT MAX( D_NIDMTR ) FROM FR_METIERPUBLI + 1', 1000 i want to increment my id ...

Incremental Timer

I'm currently using a Timer and TimerTask to perform some work every 30 seconds. My problem is that after each time I do this work I want to increment the interval time of the Timer. So for example it starts off with 30 seconds between the timer firing but I want to add 10 seconds to the interval then so that the next time the Timer ta...