
What is the difference between += and =+?

What is the difference between += and =+? Specifically, in java, but in general also. ...

Python iteration

I'm trying to do a simple script in Python that will print hex values and increment value like this: char = 0 char2 = 0 def doublehex(): global char,char2 for x in range(255): char = char + 1 a = str(chr(char)).encode("hex") for p in range(255): char2 = char2 + 1 b = str(chr(char...

Increment my id in my insert request

hello, i have a table with some rows. idClient, name, adress,country,... i want to know how i can do an insert into this table with auto increment my idClient in my sql request..? Thx. edit: i want do a request like this insert into Client values((select max(idClient),...) ...

Writing a simple incrementing counter in rails

For every Card, I would like to attach a special number to them that increments by one. I assume I can do this all in the controller. def create @card =[:card]) @card.SpecNum = @card.SpecNum ++ ... end Or. I can be blatantly retarded. And maybe the best bet is to add an auto-incremement table to mysql. The problem i...

Increment a value from AAA to ZZZ with cyclic rotation

Hi all, I need to code a method that increment a string value from AAA to ZZZ with cyclic rotation (next value after ZZZ is AAA) Here is my code: public static string IncrementValue(string value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || value.Length != 3) { string msg = string.Format("Incorrect value ('{0}' is not ...

django store incremental numeric values in a table?

i want to make a rank application, that will calculate the rank of each course uploaded on a platform. Is it a good approach to have stored in a table values like number of downloads, and number of views, like that? class Courserate(models.Model): course = models.ForeignKey(Courses) downloads = models.IntegerField(editable = F...

Creating buttons for textbox and assigning click functions on the fly in JQuery

Hello, I have the following code to create two buttons (one on the left one on the right) for each texbox on the page. Idea is to make an increment/decrement textbox. Code works fine with one textbox but with 2 or more every button increment/decrements all textboxes. Any idea how to create buttons on the fly and attach them to a textbox...

Prefix/Postfix increment operators

I'm wanting to make sure I understand pass-by-value vs pass-by-reference properly. In particular, I'm looking at the prefix/postfix versions of the increment ++ operator for an object. Let's suppose we have the following class X: class X{ private: int i; public: X(){i=0;} X& operator ++ (){ ++i; return *this; } //prefix increment...

number increment with customized style

Hi all, I've tried to do a number(decimal) increment which looks like 001 002 003...123,124 in a loop and couldn't find a simple solution.What I've thought now is to check out whether the number is long enough ,if not prefix it some "0".But it seems not good.Any better ideas? Thanks. ...

How can I increment a counter every N loops in JMeter?

I want to test concurrency, and reliably replicate an issue that JMeter brought to my attention. What I want to do is set a unique identifier (currently the time in milliseconds with a counter appended) and increment the counter between loops but not between threads. The idea being that the number of threads I have set up is the number ...

Overloading operator++ prefix / postfix in terms of each other?

I have a question that may have been answered over 9000 times before but I really don't know how to word it, this is what I am going to try. I've seen in some C++ books and tutorials that when defining your own class which has a iterable value (incrementable) semantics, you can overload operator++ for it (all I'm going t state here I'd ...

Please explain the output for this code

int a=5; printf("%d %d %d\n",a++,a++,++a); Output on Gcc : 7 6 8 Can someone please explain the answer. I apologize if this question has been repeated but i wasn't able to find it. Thanks!! ...

Mixing post- and pre- increment/decrement operators on the same variable

Possible Duplicate: Why is ++i considered an l-value, but i++ is not? In C++ (and also in C), if I write: ++x-- ++(x--) i get the error: lvalue required as increment operand However (++x)-- compiles. I am confused. ...

Visit page without incrementing hit counter

I frequently visit a certain page on the web to view the hit-counter, but my visit is counted every time and it's inflating the number of actual hits. Is there a way to visit the page without adding another hit to the hit counter? ...

MySQL - Increment an exisitng value problem

HEllo guys, I am having an issue that is anoing me. I have a very simple table (MyISAM) where i have a field "count(INT)(11)" It's just a counter that's increment every time one product/item is viewed. The problem is that query is incrementing 2 and not 1. Ie. Actualfield value = 10 than i run: mysql_query("update table_test set cou...

How do I increment value with mysql update query (php)

Hi. I have a query that look like this: $sql = "UPDATE tbl SET amt_field='amt_field+1' WHERE username='" .mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['username']). "'"; mysql_select_db('db',$con); mysql_query($sql,$con); I want to increment the value as easily as possible I have tried : "UPDATE tbl SET amt_field='amt_field+1'...

scala new Range with step equals zero

Is(and why) this really should be prohibited with exception? scala> val r2 = 15 until (10, 0) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed scala> new Range(10,15,0) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:133) ...

Android: SeekBar Increment Value - How To

My SeekBar (slider) works just fine but, it increments/decrements by one's as I slide my finger but, I want to change the increment value to a constant, such as 5. I tried using slider.incrementProgressBy(5); to do it but, it doesn't work (note: I placed it in different locations, inside and outside the action listener, but it did...

bool operator ++ and --

Today while writing some Visual C++ code I have come across something which has surprised me. It seems C++ supports ++ (increment) for bool, but not -- (decrement). It this just a random decision, of there is some reason behind this? This compiles: static HMODULE hMod = NULL; static bool once = false; if (!once++) hMod = Load...

How do I assign an incremental z-index # for each H2 using Jquery.

Using Jquery, How do I assign an incremental z-index # for each H2, incrementing by 2's? (when document is ready, start with the first H2 and give it a z-index of 2, then go to the next H2 and give it a z-index of 4.... etc. z-index of the next H2 is 6 etc. example: <H2 style="z-index: 2;">heading one</h2> <H2 style="z-index: 4;">headi...