
WPF 3.5 WebBrowser control and ZIndex

I'm trying to figure out why the control does not honor ZIndex. Example 1 - which works fine <Canvas> <Rectangle Canvas.ZIndex="1" Height="400" Width="600" Fill="Yellow"/> <Rectangle Canvas.ZIndex="2" Height="100" Width="100" Fill="Red"/> </Canvas> Example 2 - which does not work <Canvas> <WebBrowser C...

Google Maps, Z Index and Drop Down Javascript menus

I've run on a little problem today: I have a JS drop down menu and when I inserted a GoogleMap... the Menu is rendered behind the Google Map... Any ideas on how to chance the z Index of the Google Map? Thanks! ...

YUI Autocomplete renders under other page elements in IE7

I'm working now on a page that has a column of boxes styled with sexy shadows and corners and whatnot using the example here. I have to admit, I don't fully understand how that CSS works, but it looks great. Inside the topmost box is a text-type input used for searching. That search box is wired up to a YUI autocomplete widget. Every...

Z-index issue?

I have a div with a z-index of 0 on the default page of a site and this default page contains a iframe. One of the pages in this iframe has a popup with a z-index of 1000. However, the div still overshadows the popup in IE but works fine in Firefox Does anyone know what I can do? ...

Is there an upper limit to z-index values in web browsers?

I have a case where a 3rd party ad is bleeding through my modal window implementation. I'd like to up the z-index of the modal overlay as high as possible so the ad won't show on top of it. Is there a limit to z-index values? I'm sure if there is it varies by browser. Anyone know? ...

Creating a Drop Down Menu That Changes Page Content Using Show/Hide Layers and Z-Index

I am trying to create a sidebar for a site that will allow a user to select an item from a drop down menu and show an RSS Feed. The feed will change depending on which item is selected from the list. I am not sure how to acomplish this, but my first thought was to use z-index and show/hide layers. I have one layer and the menu set up, bu...

FF3/Windows CSS z-index problem with YouTube player

I'm stuck on what appears to be a CSS/z-index conflict with the YouTube player. In Firefox 3 under Windows XP, Take a look at this page: http://spokenword.org/program/21396 Click on the Collect button and note that the pop-up <div> appears under the YouTube player. On other browsers the <div> appears on top. It has a z-index value of 999...

Z-Index IE bug fix???

Hi Folks, Does anyone know of a working fix for the ie z-index bug? I have come across a few solutions but interested to see if anyone here knows of a better fix. Thanks! ...

javascript, css, z-index, div stacking.

I want to create a sort of light/thick box that only acts on a single DIV within a page. When mine fires off the first div(phantom_back) acts as I want it but the second, phantom_top sets its self after phantom_back regardless of its z-index and positioning. What am I doing wrong? Here is what I have so far: <html> <head> <script ...

how to put html content over flash when wmode=window?

Is this even possible? The situation is, I don't control the embedded flash, and I have no way of knowing whether it is embedded with wmode=tranparent/opaque or wmode=window. This means in the first 2 situations I can put my html content on top, just by using z-index, but in the last situation (wmode=window) I have no control. Does any...

CSS Floating w/ Overlap

I'm trying to set up a simple horizontal tab structure for a page I'm working on, and I'm running into some trouble with floating div's combined with z-index that I'm hoping someone can help me with. Viewing the following code in a browser: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/...

Jquery Drag and drop to arbitray location

I've got a situation where a user needs to be able to drag and drop an image onto a section of a dynamically generated portion of a page that will will always be enclosed with <pre> </pre> tags but will have no other information. The only way I can I think to accomplish this is to add a wrapper div with a different z-index, but is it e...

WPF Gridview Zindex

I have a datepicker control that I am using to set a date field in a gridview control, my datepicker shows a date and a button to display a calendar you can use to pick a date. This works great on its own but when I add this to a gridview the calendar pops up and the columns and rows cover up parts of the calendar. Setting the ZIndex fo...

C# - Win32: Getting a handle to the topmost window, after it has lost focus?

Hi Trying to dig into the win32 api from my WPF application (which just runs through the systray). When clicking on the systray icon, I present the user with a contextmenu, which gains focus over whatever window was topmost. I want to get a handle to that window (the one, that just lost focus) and have tried with different approaches...

Java Applet z-index problem; Safari and beyond

A well known problem with Java Applets in webpages is that browsers ignore the z-index of the applet tag vs. other components in the page. No matter how you position and z-index elements in the page, applets will draw themselves on top of everything. There is a workaround, known as the iframe shim, is described here: http://www.oratran...

CSS Drop down menu hidden by photo

link text The above link is a test site. The button titled "services" in the top navbar seems to be hidden in IE and not Firefox. Anyone else seeing it hidden behind the photo? Thanks! ...

What is the highest possible z-index?

I couldn't find that in the specs. I am using lot of of 3rd party javascript and want to make sure that certain piece appears on top of everything else. ...

Is z-index the only way to force an element to be positioned over top of another, if not what other methods are there?

I'm working on an application with a map and there is a div in the corner with some stuff in it. You can click on this map to bring up some information in a little window. The window is, in some cases, being covered by the div in the corner. I want the opposite effect (window covers div). I figured this would simply be a z-index is...

wpf zIndex in TabControl

I am trying to get zIndexing working on a custom UserControl but it clips the bottom of the control when it pops up inside a TabControl as shown here. This is my XAML <StackPanel Panel.ZIndex="1"> <TabControl Name="TabCtrlMain" Panel.ZIndex="2"> <TabItem Name="TabItmOrdrLst" Visibility="Collapsed" Panel.ZIndex="3" > ...

WPF: Canvas Z-Index Bug

So I made my own carousel control in WPF. I have stumbled upon a bug and was wondering if anyone knew how I could fix this like a method call or a series of methods calls or some work-around. Here is a print screen of my carousel: As you can CLEARLY see with this image, my mouse pointer is OVER the button with 16 written on it. But th...