
Vector and Layer Data Structure

I'm working with some code that is confusing me and I'm wondering if I'm just not grokking the data structures. The data I'm working with utilizes vectors and layers. I believe a vector is just a row of data but I'm not sure. Any information you could provide or point me to about the use of these would be very helpful. ...

Accessing more than one data provider in a data layer

I'm working on a business application which is being developed using DDD philosophy. Database is accessed through NHibernate and data layer is implemented using DAO pattern. The UML class diagram is shown below. I don't know the design is good or not. What do you think? B...

What would you choose for your data layer today, Linq or Subsonic?

We are ready to start a brand new project at work, no legacy code. We did use Subsonic in the past and we pretty happy with it. But that was before Linq. Has anyone had to face this same issue (Linq x Subsonic)? What was your decision? What were the reasons? Any insight appreciated. ...

How do you decide on which ORM to use?

Castle Active Record? Plain NHibernate? Subsonic? Entity? Something like Nettiers? I'd like to use one, but I don't know enough to decide. Nhibernate seems over kill and complex, but widely used. Subsonic seems neat and easy. But is it stable? I have CodeSmith, and I was pointed to Nettiers, which seems neat as well, but complex too...

Creating a Drop Down Menu That Changes Page Content Using Show/Hide Layers and Z-Index

I am trying to create a sidebar for a site that will allow a user to select an item from a drop down menu and show an RSS Feed. The feed will change depending on which item is selected from the list. I am not sure how to acomplish this, but my first thought was to use z-index and show/hide layers. I have one layer and the menu set up, bu...

Architecture and caching considerations with large XML files

I'm building a website to display products, and categories of products. The data comes from an external service in the form of a 500k XML file. The website is ASP.NET, C#. The XML is structured as a list of categories. Inside each category might be some products and/or some more categories. Obviously, we cannot call this external servi...

What is the best way to build a data layer across multiple databases?

First a bit about the environment: We use a program called Clearview to manage service relationships with our customers, including call center and field service work. In order to better support clients and our field technicians we also developed a web site to provide access to the service records in Clearview and reporting. Over time ...

DAL desing using DAAB 3.5/4.0

I'm working on a .Net 3.5 web application.It has various modules say for example Customers,Orders,etc.... I need to a design Data Access Layer (DAL) for the same using Enterprise Library 4.0 (using Data Access Application block or DAAB) to connect to SQL Server 2005. Here is how i plan to go about it: • Have an interface called "IData...

Generating your LINQ-to-SQL datalayer

I usually use Codesmith & NetTiers for my datalayers, and as they can be run from the command line it just requires a simple batch file to regenerate / rebuild everything whenever changes are made to the database. Now I'm looking at LINQ-to-SQL, but I'm not finding the WYSIWYG entity designer as convienient. What other methods are avail...

Where do I place Data Layer in iPhone App

In .Net I usually create a separate class library and reference it in my project. This class library does all the select, insert and updates to the database. Or, I put classes or static methods in the App_Code folder. In iPhone Dev, where do I put this data layer in order to have a separation in code and logic. This layer, files, would...

How to organize model repository while using Entity Framework?

I have dilemma about how to organize connection (repository class) to data layer in my application that uses the Entity Framework. How would you write it? And why? public class ResearchRepository { public Research GetResearch (int id) { using (MnijenjeEntities mnijenjeContext = new MnijenjeEntities()) { ...

Is having two Model objects for one table a common practice with LINQ-to-SQL / Entity Framework?

When using LINQ-to-SQL or Entity Framework, I can easily generate a class for each table which takes care of the CRUD basics: Info info = new Info(); info.Title = "testing"; db.Infos.InsertOnSubmit(info); db.SubmitChanges(); And when I make structural changes to a database table, I can easily regenerate the table's model class (simpl...

Business layer, data layer, where to put queries?

I have a data access layer that has separate classes for each table in the database. Each class makes objects that reference a row in the table, they have create, update, delete, and fetch functions. They all extend a DBObj class. My question is, say I want to write a query to SELECT * FROM table, and have that in a function. Where is th...

J2EE Data layer frameworks

Hi, I am trying to figure out what are the most widely used frameworks on the data layer on a J2EE application server. I would like help in knowing which are used out there and what are their Pros and Cons. Thanks for the help. ...

What issues to consider when rolling your own data-backend for Silverlight / AJAX on non-ASP.NET server?

I have read-only Silverlight and AJAX apps which read static text and XML files from a PHP/Apache server, which works very nicely with features such as asynchronous loading, lazy-loading only what I need for each page, loading in the background, developed a little query language to get a PHP script to create custom XML files etc. it's pr...

CLR Stored Procedures

In an ASP.NET application, I have a small number of fairly complex, frequently used operations to execute against a database. In these operations, one or more of several tables needs updates or inserts based a logical evaluation of both input parameters and values of certain tables. I've maintained a separation of logic and data access, ...

IQueryable and lazy loading

I'm having a hard time determining the best way to handle this... With Entity Framework (and L2S), LINQ queries return IQueryable. I have read various opinions on whether the DAL/BLL should return IQueryable, IEnumerable or IList. Assuming we go with IList, then the query is run immediately and that control is not passed on to the nex...

Designing DAOs around a JSON API for iPhone Development

So I've been trying to design a clean way of grabbing data for my models in iPhone land. All the data for my application is coming from JSON API's. So right now when a VC needs some models, it does the JSON call itself (asynch) and when it receives the data, it builds the models. It works, but I'm trying to think of a cleaner method whe...

How Exceptions are handled while designing DataLayer or any other layered architecture.

I am creating a data access layer where I want to handle exceptions that should be catched by Business layer with clear idea of the source of exception. I am doing something like this.. EDIT private void OpenConnection() { if (ConnectionState.Closed == _connection.State) _connection.Open...

What are options for passing objects between layers when LINQ to SQL is used?

When thinking about traditional layered application design, I often think in terms of 3 layers: The bottom-most layer which actually talks to the database (let's call this the "data access layer"). It returns objects (in some form) to the next layer. The layer above the bottom-most layer (the middle layer, which I'll term the "data la...