
impossible IE7 Z-Index, nested element bug!

http://ec4u.dev.creative-ctrl.com/product/wallys-natural-100-beeswax-ear-candles-12pk Check it. cannot get .menu ul to render for the life of me!! strange enough, it renders in ie6, ie8, safari, and ff, but not ie7! I've tried everything. Any ideas? (I'm pretty close to xhtml strict validation too). ...

z-index with two relative positioned elements IE7

Hi, I have two elements. One is a searchbox that has to be positioned relatively. The other is an image I would like to overlap part of the search box and it has to be positioned relatively as well. No matter what I set the z-index to, IE7 won't overlap the image. It goes underneath the searchbox. It overlaps and works in Firefox thou...

Internet Explorer z-index bug?

How do you overlap an element over another element that is positioned relatively in Internet Explorer? Z-index doesn't work, it always appears behind the relatively positioned element. ...

Z order in between Image and InkPresenter

Hi, I have this CustomControl which contains an InkPresenter and an Image. The image has an AdornerDecorator as I plan to add an adorner to the image later on. I have set the Canvas.ZIndex of the Image to be higher than the InkPresenter so that the InkPresenter will be drawn over the Image. The problem is that when I try to collect an...

Z order and event handling wpf

Hi, This is a follow up to my question here. It seems that even though the InkPresenter is closest to the user, the MouseDown/MouseMove/MouseUp events are received by the Image element. Does anyone know why that is? Edit: Sorry if I didn't make the question clearer: I have attatched event handlers to the InkPresenter, which is a sibl...

script.aculo.us autocomplete stuck behind input elements

I've got several script.aculo.us Ajax.Autocomplete controls on a page and when the drop down div is rendered it's always stuck behind the other text boxes on the page, no matter what I do with zIndex and positioning. The problem occurs in IE and FF. Anyone else run into this? Am I missing something, or is this just life with this control...

z-index issue in IE7

Hi, I am trying to call one div on click of select element. there are 4 select elements two in each row. When that div is called it goes behind the succesive select element. This issue is specific to IE7. It works fine with IE8 and firefox3. please can anybody help... Thanks, ...

ie7 z-index problem

Hi, I've isolated a little test case of IE7's z-index bug, but don't know how to fix it. I have been playing with z-index all day long. What is wrong with z-index in IE7? ...

Z-index broken in IE8?

Hi there This code works in every other browser I've tried, except IE8. IE8 appears to ignore the z-index - and the pop-up becomes a pop-under. It's in the right place, just renders underneath the thumbnail. Anyone? Thanks! HTML: <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"> <img src="/images/comic_a3_thumb.jpg" height="300" width="212" b...

IE7 CSS z-index overlay

Given this situation: HTML <div class="container-module"> Some content. <a id="show-overlay" href="#">Show overlay</a> <div id="overlay"> Overlay content. </div> </div> <div class="container-module"> Some content. </div> CSS .container-module { height: 50px; z-index: 1; } .overlay { background: white; dis...

Adobe Director (dcr) depth (z-index) problem

Can *.dcr depth (z-index) can be controlled such that a flash or some other layers can appear on top of it? ...

Getting the z-index of a DIV in JavaScript?

I have a div normaldiv1 with class normaldiv. I am trying to access its z-index through the style property but it always returns 0 although it's set to 2 in the stylesheet. CSS: .normaldiv { width:120px; height:50px; background-color:Green; position: absolute; left: 25px; top:20px; display:block; z-i...

Trying to make submenu overlap main-menu in IE on window resize w/o using JS?

Hey everyone, I have following css-menu: The menu works fine everywhere BUT IE6 and IE7. Here is some code: CSS (mainly for IE, similar for other browsers): .menu { height:25px; position:fixed; z-index:100; font-family:arial, sans-serif; } * html .menu { z-index:100; } .menu ul { padding:0; margin:0; ...

CSS z-indices

Hi, I have an element whose position is fixed and has a z-index = 5. When I resize the browser this element appears in front of (statically positioned) elements whose z-index = 10, which is not the behaviour I expect. If you want to see what I mean, open this page and narrow the browser window until the "Chalets des Bouleaux" logo is ...

get zindex javascript chrome

Hi all, can anyone tell me how can i find zindex of a div in Google chrome document.getElementById(id).style.zIndex;//does not work ...

Actionscript 3: make certain objects in child A appear above child B while others appear under child B

Imagine I have a background and I want to show the background under the player object. This can be done with ease: var player:Player = new Player(); addChild(player); var background:Background = new Background(); addChildAt(background, 0); However, imagine in this background I have transparent clouds which have to appear above the sh...

CSS content behind Adobe Acrobat Reader

Is there a way to put CSS-div content over a embeded Adobe Acrobat Reader session? I've tried with CSS z-index: -1; on the iframe Acrobat Reader launches in but no luck. Any suggestions? ...

ASP.NET User control on a master page renders behind my main content when viewed in IE7

So I have a user control in my master page. When it's viewed in IE7 (or IE8 Compatibility mode), it renders behind the page content from the ContentPlaceHolders. I've tried manually setting the z-index of every element in sight, and none of it will put the control in front. Has anyone else encountered this? It works in Chrome, Firefo...

CSS Position Absolute Z-Index Issue

I have a form that uses a div that is positions over some input elements. For some reason, those input elements are above the positioned div, even though the div has a high z-index. Really not sure why this is happening, as the input fields don't even use absolute positioning, so I would think they would never be on top of another elem...

IE7 / IE8 z-index problem

Running in compatibility mode the calendar below renders behind the textboxes below. IE8 displays the calendar how I need it to. My CSS .MyCalendar .ajax__calendar_container { border:1px solid #7F9DB9; background-color: #ffffff; z-index : 1004 ; width:190px; } the textboxes which are overlaying the calendar don't have their z-...