
Browser and z-index issues

Hey there. I have an image that I am absolutely positioning. In Firefox it is where it is supposed to be, in Safari it is all whack. What is going on and what is a surefire way to know where it sits. ...

how to solve zindex issue with flash

Hi, In a webpage I need to show a div layer over the flash banner which is not using wmode=transparent setting. How to solve it? ...

Vertical alignment (for IE!)

HTML: <div class="product"> <a href="#" class="thumb"><img src="img/thumb_md.png" alt="" /></a> </div> CSS: .product .thumb { position: relative; display: table-cell; vertical-align: bottom; height: 130px; } ..works great in modern browser, except, ofcourse, IE! Is there any workaround? The other solution I tried w...

Flash on top of jQuery dialog

Hi, I know many have asked this question, but I think my situation is a little bit different. I have a site where I have some ads which is Flash hidden in a because of xhtml/html compatibility issues. But the flash elements is on top of my jQuery dialogs which is not ideal. Some solutions have suggested setting wmode to opaque but I ...

Getting around using Absolute Positioning

Hey all, I have a image I am absolutely positioning and it works perfect on firefox, but in a totally different spot on safari, Is there any other way to position it where I want(on top of another image) without using absolute positioning. I have already tried margin and padding and that does not work ...

jQuery datePicker below UI dialog?

Hi, See Example After clicking the show container link the datepicker component - 2nd input - is shown below the UI dialog. What should I do to show it above the UI dialog? ...

Silverlight 2 Zindex Issue on ASP.NET Page IE6

I Have a Silverlight Menu on a ASP.NET page, on this page bellow the menu there's a Html Table and bellow the table there's a dropdownlist. The silverlight DIV is position: absolute; z-index: 999; The silverlight App is designed with zindex in its elements, is windowless, and background transparent. This Works fine on Firefox however...

Link shows but doesn't actually link inside a positioned div in IE

you can see the site at Emeraldcityguitars.com, the links are the Spotlight titles in New and Vintage Spotlight spaces at the bottom. the images link but the product title text doesn't. I think the issue is that its contained in a z-indexed div, but I don't see why that would break a link. Help... <div id="vintage_spotlight"> <%...

How do i add and remove an active class with jQuery?

I have an unordered list. <style> #button1 { position:relative; z-index: 3; } #button2 { position:relative; z-index: 2; } #button3 { position:relative; z-index: 1; } </style> <ul> <li id="button1">Button 1</li> <li id="button2">Button 2</li> <li id="button3">Button 3</li> </ul> I am currently using css to give each id a d...

CSS z-index overridden by element order on page?

Hi everyone, I've been battling with CSS z-index in IE7 foe a couple of hours now, maybe you can help! I have a absolutely positioned div, appearing above its parent div, which is great. But - it appears under later divs that are siblings to its parent. That seems like quite bizarre behavour, like the z-index only applies to the local...

Positioning divs with z-Index in Internet Explorer 7

I have two relative positioned DIVs A & B. a has a DIV as child element called A' which is absolute positioned and has a z-index of 1000. DIV B' is a child element of DIV B and positioned absolute as well. Firefox renders this as expected: A'-B'-B-A(from nearest to farest from the user) However, in IE7 I get: B'-B-A'-A Please can someo...

Positioning divs with z-Index in Internet Explorer 7

<div style="position:relative;"> OUTERFOO <div style="position:absolute; z-index:1000;">FOO</div></div> <div style="position:relative;">OUTERBAR <div style="position:absolute;">BAR</div> </div> I want FOO to stack over BAR without OUTERFOO stacking over OUTERBAR! This works in Firefox, but not in IE7. Can someone post a workaround? Th...

Transparent PNG as Background Image

Hello, I have an element with a transparent png as its background image - it's like a polaroid with the photo bit cut out so just the frame is showing. With this as the background I then want a standard image to sit behind the element that has the transparent png background - to fit inside the frame. i've tried setting z-indexing and ...

Positioning using Z-Index

Can we position one HTML element above another element using z-Index ? Eg : <div>One</div> <div>Five</div> Now one should be above five.... my question may be very basic but......... ...

Datetime picker below div

Can anyone help me discover why my datetime picker is hiding behind the rest of the divs? http://www.lcslegal.co.uk/booking-form.html I have added this line of css to try and fix it in custom.css but to no avail: .ui-datepicker, #ui-timepicker-div { z-index:1003; } ...

Setting Custom Pushpin z-index in VE SDK 6.2

Okay, I'm trying to be creative with my map. My proof of concept is at www.ambersedibles.com/test.html. What you see is a png layer with a transparent center, so the map is actually behind the green border. Microsoft's BING logo is z-index 30 so you can see it on top of border. The copyright in the lower right hand corner is z-index ...

Videos overlapping the "Add this" window in IE!

I have a HTML simple page with a ADD THIS button (the share button actually) and some videos on it. My problem is that when I click on the SHARE button and a small window (a div) pop ups on the center of the browser screen which is keeps it position constant there. When I scroll the window, this ADD THIS window gets overlapped by the vi...

how can we change zindex of a silverlight control programmatically?

Hello I have some controls added in a stackpanel programmatically. What i want to do is that i want one of the controls in this stackpanel to be placed over another control. Specifically, I want to place button over an image in this stack panel. I couldn't find zindex property in c# codebehind. Although it seems very simple problem but i...

css parent element to appear above child

I have 2 nested css elements. I need to get the parent to be on top, that is, above in z-axis, of the child element. Just setting z-index is not sufficient. How do I do this? Thanks. http://jsbin.com/ovafo/edit Edit: I can't set a negative z-index on the child, that'll set it to below the page container on my actual page. Is this the o...

Surefire way to get html ontop of flash content?

Hello all, I've been struggling to get some absolutely positioned overlays to show above an flv movie(using flowplayer) in the firefox browser(works in safari) I have the overlays div placed underneath the video html "wrapper" and have tried using a high z-index on the overlays but to no avail. Is there anything i may be doing wrong? ...