
Silverlight ImageBrush not rendering (with Bing Map Control)

I'm trying to add an image to a Pushpin instance from the Silverlight Bing Map Control, but I can't seem to get it to render (the pushpin renders fine). This is probably a general WPF question rather than anything specific to the Pushpin object. Pushpin pp = new Pushpin(); ... Uri imageUri = new Uri(@"myImage.png", UriKind.Relative); ...

Setting Custom Pushpin z-index in VE SDK 6.2

Okay, I'm trying to be creative with my map. My proof of concept is at www.ambersedibles.com/test.html. What you see is a png layer with a transparent center, so the map is actually behind the green border. Microsoft's BING logo is z-index 30 so you can see it on top of border. The copyright in the lower right hand corner is z-index ...

silverlight bing maps pushpin question

I'm trying to use the microsoft_maps_mapcontrol. I see how one could create a pushpin and the lat long location... but i can't figure out how to instead use an image in place of that pushpin. doesn't look like pushpin will allow using a different image. So, that being the case how do you create an image and then wire it to the proper ...

MapItemsControls not updating Silverlight Bing Map

I'm using a MapItemsControl to control my Pushpin items within my Bing silverlight map. Right on the page load, I add a new pin programatically, and the pin shows up on the map. However I've now taken it further and I'm adding pins to my datasource via a click on the map. The new pins add to my datasource, but do not show up on the ma...

Bing maps silverlight control custom pushpin

I tried to make a custom pushpin for the Bing Maps silverlight control, but I can only add 1 pushpin. At the second pushpin I get the following error: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at MS.Internal.XcpImports.CheckHResult(UInt32 hr) at MS.Internal.XcpImports.Collection_AddValue[T](Presentat...

Why are pushpins automatically added to my VEShapeType.Polyline object

Hi, I am trying to create a number of polylines in Javascript. For some reason, bing maps automatically/randomly adds pushpins in the middle of some of these polylines. Does anyone know why this is the default behaviour and how I can override it? Thanks! ...

Adding pushpins with coordinates from SQL Server tables

Hello, I am a beginner in Silverlight and C# programming and i´m creating a Bing Map application. I try to add pushpins with coordinates and information from a SQL Server, but I can't figure out how to succeed. Mike ...

MapView adding pushpins on touch

I managed to get the map shown on the screen. Now the user will move around the map and press on it. After pressing on a point I need to add a push pin on screen on the pressed location. If the user decides to go for another point, when pressing on the chosen point, the first pushpin would disapear and a new one will be drawn on the new...

Phone 7 Bing map control - Add a pushpin when tap

I am using the latest Phone 7 RTM tools ( downloaded it today, October 7 2010). I am trying to do a simple thing here: when the user taps once on the map control, i want to put a pushpin there. also, i want to keep the regular built-in behavior of the map control ( tap twice to zoom). (If it's not possible to keep both behaviors , the...

How to add a push pin to a MKMapView(IOS) when touching?

Hello, I had to get the coordonate of a point where the user touch on a MKMapView. I'm not work with the Interface Builder. Can you give me one example or a link. Thanks a lot ...

get a map with pushpin from Bing [silverlight]

Hi all, I tried to dvlp an applic for WP7. This applic must "ask" bing services to retrieve a map with pushpins (POI like train stations or metro stations). In my applic I want to get the pushpins collection and use it to do something else. The matter is that I don't know how to get this map from Bing Maps. Is somebody have an idea ? T...