
Getting absolute path of a file

How can I convert a relative path to an absolute path in C on Unix? Is there a convenient system function for this? On Windows there is a GetFullPathName function that does the job, but I didn't find something similar on Unix... ...

IE not autosizing width of absolutely positioned element

When I specify a "height" in the style for any element inside of this, IE makes the entire thing 100% width, rather than keeping it "autosized" for width. Other browsers display it fine, but not IE. How do I fix this? <div style="position:absolute;top:50px;left:50px;background:green;"> <div> <div>test</div> <div style="height: 20...

Position child div relative to grandparent div

I got a CSS Problem, and I don't know if it's actually possible to achieve what I want. Here's a sketch to illustrate what I want to achieve: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/103519/pkstudio/IMG.jpg And here's the demo page: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/103519/pkstudio/menu_test.htm Actually the child div should be positioned relatively to the...

How do I dynamically position a swf in flex relative to its parent container?

How do I position a child relative to its containing box? The Code: <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ thisMap.scaleX = scaleFactor; thisMap.scaleY = scaleFactor; thisMap.x = thisMap.x - thisMap.mouseX * 1.3; thisMap.y = thisMap.y - thisMap.mouseY * 1.3; ]]> </mx:Script> <mx:Box id="mapHolder" x="0" y="30"> ...

Is require '/home/../http/' as fast as require '/http/' ?

I know that it is poor performance to use relative paths when including a file in php. But, is this true for for all paths or just paths relative to the assumed (context) include path? Is this line require '/home/../http/test.php' as fast as this line require '/http/test.php' ...

Absolute urls, relative urls, and...?

I am writing some documentation and I have a little vocabulary problem: http://www.somedomain.com/en/public/img/logo.gif is called an "absolute" url, right? ../../public/img/logo.gif is called a "relative" url, right? so how do you call this: /en/public/img/logo.gif ? Is it also considered an "absolute url", although without the prot...

[SharePoint] Publishing HTML Field Control Converts Relative URL to Absolute URL

So, after much research on whether or not we should the CEWP or the HTML Field Control on an external facing SharePoint site, we settled on using the Field Control (much thanks to AC). Now, we are having an issue that all the blogs I read say should not be an issue. When we put a relative URL into the HTML Editor and hit OK, it is auto...

Force a floated or absolutely position element to stay "in the flow" with CSS

I'm looking for a way to force floated or absolutely positioned elements to stay in the flow in css. I'm pretty much thinking css is stupid for not having something like flow:on flow:off to keep it in the flow or take it out. The issue is that I want to have a div element with a variable height, I have a floated image on the left in th...

Absolute positioning in IE7 limiting width of div.

I'm working on drop down menus for this: http://www.heroicdreams.com/wordpress/elderFlashSite.html In every other browser it works great, but in IE7 the drop down widths are being limited by the size of the top link and it's margin. Is there a way to get IE to behave like all other browsers in that it will allow the drop down widths to ...

CSS absolute position alignment

Hi, I have a login form on my website that displays when a user clicks a button. It is a div that floats over other content. It only takes up a small portion of the page (directly below the sign in link). It all works fine apart from one small thing. It displays aligned to the left of the sign in link (i attempted a diagram below). ...

Browser and z-index issues

Hey there. I have an image that I am absolutely positioning. In Firefox it is where it is supposed to be, in Safari it is all whack. What is going on and what is a surefire way to know where it sits. ...

How to create a true singleton in java?

I am facing a problem with my singleton when used across multiple class loaders. E.g Singleton accessed by multiple EJBs. Is there any way to create a singleton which has only one instance across all class loader? I am looking for pure java solution either using custom class loader or some other way. ...

Help with an absolutely positioned image css stuck to upper left of browser.

I am a beginner to all things css and I've tried repeatedly to position an image(transparent png)over a centered table, but for some reason the graphic won't budge from the upper left corner of the browser. Absolute positioning should allow me to place the element anywhere I want. If someone could help determine what I've done wrong, I'd...

SVG Absolute coordinates?

Hello, I have some SVG files which have many text nodes in them. I would like to get the absolute position of each of the text nodes, within the SVG document (the SVG documents have width="743.75" and height="1052.5"). An example text node looks like this: <g> <text transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,106.5,732.5)"> <tspan x="0 7.897999...

CSS absolutely position element extends background

I have a absolutely position div that is overlapping a containers background due to it having a larger height. This div is sharing the container with a body div that's sitting happily to the left of it. Is there a way to extend the container to be the height of the absolutely positioned div, rather than the body content? Or should I ju...

How can I make my fixed position work in IE6?

I've have tried this: body {height: 100%;overflow: auto; body #cornerImage {position: absolute;bottom: 0;} and this: { margin:0; padding:0; } html, body { height: 100%; overflow:auto; } body #fixedElement { position:fixed !important; position: absolute; /*ie6 and above*/ bottom: 0; } Neither of these have wor...

CSS need div to extend it's containers width

This is my current HTML structure. The footer div is sitting alone in the BODY. <div id="footer"> <div class="container"> <div id="footer-bg"> <div class="footer1"> <p class="p1">asd</p> <p class="p2">asd</p> </div> <div class="footer2"> <p class=...

PHP absolute path to file URI

In order to refer to a local DTD when using PHP SimpleXML, I need to convert the absolute path into a file type URI. For example, convert /home/sitename/www/xml/example.dtd to file:///home/sitename/www/xml/example.dtd. In the example given, it is easy enough, since all that is required is to add the 'file' scheme in front of the path. ...

How to create a absolute element overlapping several rows in a calendar (table) design?

Hi Im trying to create a calendar in an HTML table design with css element div elements as appointment blocks in absolute positioning which is working fine. But since the block is absolute, which makes me able to overlap as many rows as I want to create appointments, it dosnt stretch horizontally which is what I want. How can I make the...

Get position of element by javascript

I've seen a dozen of script that can catch the x and y position of an element/object within the page. But i am always having trouble with catching the x and y when the webpage is using margins at the body, or other elements, absolute/relative elements, such like that. Is there a solution wich provides the exact position, no matter what ...