So, after much research on whether or not we should the CEWP or the HTML Field Control on an external facing SharePoint site, we settled on using the Field Control (much thanks to AC). Now, we are having an issue that all the blogs I read say should not be an issue.
When we put a relative URL into the HTML Editor and hit OK, it is automatically changed to an absolute URL. This is apparently a "feature" of Internet Explorer from some of the research I have been doing. TinyMCE has a work around for this. I was wondering if there was some work around for the SharePoint control that I am missing.
I took the liberty of creaing a video showing an example of the problem. In case I didn't explain it well enough, you can find that here:
This is kind of a big issue for us because we have an authoring site and the www site. So, when the authoring is done on the authoring site and all the links get migrated to the www site, they are http:// instead of /en-us/Pages/...
(editing to "remove" links)