
How to auto-size an iFrame?

I'm loading an iFrame and want the parent to automatically change the height based upon the height of the iFrame's content. To simply things, all pages belong to the same domain, so I shouldn't run into cross-site scripting issues. ...

IE not autosizing width of absolutely positioned element

When I specify a "height" in the style for any element inside of this, IE makes the entire thing 100% width, rather than keeping it "autosized" for width. Other browsers display it fine, but not IE. How do I fix this? <div style="position:absolute;top:50px;left:50px;background:green;"> <div> <div>test</div> <div style="height: 20...

Autofit WinForms RichTextBox to its contents

Does anybody know how can I dynamically resize a RichTextBox control to its contents? ...

Best Way to Horizontally AutoSize a WinForms TreeView Control?

Hello, I have a treeview control in WinForms that is filled from a wide variety of database content. I need to calculate the minimum width of the treeview control (after it is populated) so that horizontal scroll bars are not necessary to view the content. The calculation needs to account for the size of the longest text in the tree b...

jquery autosize web interface?

Hi there, I have been designing with jquery and using the jquery UI widgets .. but always been designing for 1024 x 768 ... Is there any tricks or plugins (preferably that work with jquery UI) to automatically resize elements of my interface ... that way when somebody views it at a higher resolution it doesn't look so small.. Anybody...

C# AutoSize DatagridView Populated By Linq Query

Hello, I have a datagridview control that is populated by a linq query: public static IQueryable SearchByDepartmentNameInfo(string deptName) { ExamineDataContext dc = new ExamineDataContext(); var queryResult = from q in dc.GetTable<Question>() where q.Topic.Module.Department.DepartmentNa...

How do I autosize a silverlight 3 usercontrol based on its contents?

Using Silverlight 3 I am trying to recreate the class object visualization as seen in Visual Studio's class diagram. However, my objects will represent database objects rather than class definitions. I have been partially successful as seen in the following two images. Both of these have been created with fixed sizes, and so they ...

SplitContainer & TableLayoutPanel auto sizing problem

I am currently programming my first Windows Forms application using C#. I'm using a TableLayoutPanel that will have a fixed 1X3 table [ 1 | 2 | 3 ], with each cell containing a flow panel that flows top to bottom. I have the row resizing option of the single row in the TableLayoutPanel set to autosize because I want the TableLayoutPanel ...

Auto size the controls in winform

Hi, I've a winform and I placed a listbox in that form. When I maximize the winform the size of the list box remains same. But I dont want like this. I want to adjust the size automatically. Is there any default property for this? Thank you, Nagu ...

Creating a text area that fills the available space

I want to be able to create a text area that fills an available space. However because of the different monitor resolutions I don't think I can simple specify a character width. Is there anyway of getting around this without having too much logic to specify different character widths for each set of monitor resolutions. ...

C# AutoSize Label Issue

In my program I have label controls which users can add at will, the labels can be bound to data source too. I added the AutoSize property to a property grid I designed and there is the option to turn this on and off at will. The problem I am running into is that if the AutoSize flag is set to true in the property grid it will AutoSize...

How do I set a "preferred size" for a form?

I have some controls on a form, and I have them anchored to the left and right of the form to ensure they grow and shrink with the form. My form is also set to automatically grow and shrink in order to accommodate some labels that may get long strings. When those labels get their long strings removed, I want my form to go back to the wid...

Autosizing relative to content view, not superview?

Hello, In my iPhone app, I have a UIView inside the content view, and I have some controls inside the UIView. I've set the autosize properties for these controls in Interface Builder, but it seems that they're getting autosized relative to the whole content view, instead of relative to their superview. However, it specifically says in t...

C# TabPages added at runtime don't autosize the parent form

I have a simple form that contains a TabControl where the TabPages are added at runtime. I have gotten all of this to work almost as I want it to, however when I set the form to autosize, it ignores the runtime TabPages in the calculation... How can I either force the form to delay the autosizing until the TabPages have been added, or fo...

WinForms UserControl Layout Autosize Problems

A while back, I posted this question about trying to get a flowlayoutpanel to autosize properly when docked to the top of a container. What I was trying accomplish was to setup a horizontal (left-to-right) flowlayoutpanel spanning across the top edge of a form, and a datagridview taking up the rest of the available space below the flowl...

For Qt 4.6.x, how to auto-size text to fit in a specified width?

Inside of my QGraphicsRectItem::paint(), I am trying to draw the name of the item within its rect(). However, for each of the different items, they can be of variable width and similarly names can be of variable length. Currently I am starting with a maximum font size, checking if it fits and decrementing it until I find a font size th...

winforms: datagridview: height (autosize) depending on number of rows

in one of my forms a datagridview displays data from a database (of course the number of data (so number of rows) can change). The database connection is in the form load event. I just cant figure out how the height of the whole datagridview is autosized, depending on the number of rows it displays. ...

CSS speech bubble auto size?

/* Normal Bubble */ .bubble { width: auto; font-size: 0.75em; margin-bottom: 24px; } .bubble blockquote { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 1px solid #c9c2c1; background-color: #000; } .bubble blockquote p { margin: 10px; padding: 0px; font-size: 21px; } .bubble cite { position: relativ...

Flex fixed and variable height - can it be set in markup?

I've got the following Flex application markup: <app:MyApplicationClass xmlns:app="*" width="100%" height="100%" layout="vertical" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off"> <mx:VBox id="idPageContainer" width="100%" height="100%" verticalGap="0" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScr...

Problem autosizing second view

Hello, Once a view is called from appdelegate, it is properly loaded but not autosized correctly, on the bottom you see last lines from previous view! On xib file, view mode property is set to scale to fill but I tried others and still happening the same... Thanks for any idea to solve it! ...