
iPhone Orientation Relayout From Single Column to Double Column

I am trying to create a UIView in Interface Builder that shows to the user two boxes containing some text. This UIView should support both landscape and portrait modes. When in portrait orientation, the two boxes should be centered horizontally and be under each other. Like in the picture below: But when in landscape orientation, it s...

Subview Doesnt AutoSize When Added to Root View Controller

Hello, I have a root view controller that will have up to 10 or so subviews. I am implementing autorotation/autosize accross the entire app. My problem is this: - When I allocate all the view controllers and add each as a subview to the root controller during startup, everything works as it should. The only problem is that each view c...

Android -- How to scale/resize text to fit a TextView?

Hello all, I'm trying to create a method for resizing multi-line text in a TextView such that it fits within the bounds (both the X and Y dimensions) of the TextView. At present, I have something, but all it does is resize the text such that just the first letter/character of the text fills the dimensions of the TextView (i.e. only the ...

Problems with FlowLayoutPanel inside Panel with AutoSize

I have the following controls hierarchy: Form Panel (AutoSize = true, AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink, Dock = Top) FlowLayoutPanel (AutoSize = true, AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink, Dock = Top) Control1, Control2, Control3, Control4, ... FlowLayoutPanel (AutoSize = true, AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink, Dock = Top) Control1...

Dynamic size canvas with Scroll bars

Hi, I am developing a simple WPF application without any auto layout. The goal is when a user clicks (mouse down) a element (say textBlock) will appear at the location of the mouse click. For this I am using canvas panel embedded in a Grid of 1 row, 1 column and scrollviewer (visible). The issues are: 1. when the application window is re...

addSubview and autosizing

How does one add views to a window, so that the views are resized to fit within the window frame? The problem I'm making a sheet window containing 2 views, where only one of them is visible at a time, so it's important that the views have the same size as the window. My problem is that either view0 fits correctly and view1 doesn't or ...

Resize Ext.form.ComboBox to fit its content

There are quite few solutions on Ext forums, but I wasn’t able to get any of them work. It seems I am missing something minor. I need to resize combobox to fit its content when it’s first created. I do not need to worry about resizing it when content is changing. Is there any working examples using Extjs 3.2? Current Code: var stor...

Flowlayout panel and autosizing child controls doesn't work

I am trying to get a very simple autosizing layout on a winform (C# .NET). I've tried TableLayoutPanels and FlowLayoutPanels but nothing works. I have a usercontrol which is a container for other usercontrols which are created at runtime - I've called it StackPanel as I want it to list the child controls vertically. I've tried this usin...

WPF ListView column auto sizing

Let's say I have the following ListView: <ListView ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Header="Something" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=ShortText}" /> <GridViewColumn Header="Description" DisplayMemberBinding="{Bi...

Can this auto-stretcing scenario be realized undex XHTML/CSS?

I want two horizontal areas in my webpage. The first one is the menu. It's on the top. Unfortunately I don't know its size, and it might change in response to user actions. Below the menu is the main area which should stretch at least as far as the bottom of the window (if there is little content) or beyond (if there is a lot of content....

Compute column widths in a HTML-like manner (based on cell contents)

Hi, I have a grid of data that I want to export to RTF, PDF etc. using various (and not perfect) PHP converters/generators. What I am missing most is the HTML table automatic adjustment of column widths based on the lengths of strings in the cells (strings contain line breaks which complicate things a bit, as they should be preserved)....

How to get Telerik RadPanel autosize to behave like stock Panel

I am trying to get the Telerik Winforms RadPanel to have the same behavior as the stock WinForms Panel class when the stock Panel is set to AutoSize = true and AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink. Basically, I want the RadPanel to autosize itself around the controls that are placed in it. I have tried the PanelElement AutoSize and WrapAroundCh...

How to auto size a form around a tab control + more controls

Dear reader, I have a form that has several controls: ProgressBar at the top of the form (docked) A TabControl at the top of the form (also docked but underneath the progress bar) Buttons, TextBoxes and labels inside TabPages of the TabControl FlowLayoutPanel at the bottom of the screen (docked) with a few buttons in it Label at the...

Groupbox with a flowlayout panel inside and autosize = true shrinks like it is empty.

I have a groupbox that holds a flowlayout panel and the flowlayout panel holds a bunch of controls. I set the flowlayout panel to dock with the parent. Since I don't know how many controls will be in the panel, I set the group box autosize to true and autosizemode to grow and shrink. When I do this the groupbox shrinks as if it is emp...

tab views on iPad not resizing

My view doesn't stretch to fit the current orientation! I am creating a tab bar application. I replicated the sample one that you create when you "create a new tab bar application". Everything works except when I change the orientation of the iPad it rotates the view, the tab bar stretches out on the bottom, but the view doesn't resize....

Why does adding bold property seem to remove autosize in ActionScript?

I have text fields that I need to set as both autosize and bold in ActionScript. For some reason, when I apply the bold formatting, the autosize=true is lost. From what I can tell, I am doing everything in the correct order. Any thoughts on what is going on are hugely appreciated. Thanks! Here is the relevant code: var categoryMenu...

Automatically Size WPF Frame Object inside TabItem/StackPanel

I want the Frame Control to automatically resize to fill the screen inside my TabItem. Is the following code it renders a very small frame. I would rather not set static heigh and width. Here is the XAML <TabItem Header="Reports" Name="tReports" Height="50" BorderBrush="Transparent" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="St...

Auto Resizing with Interface Builder and Code !

I want to use auto resizing mask in iPhone to adjust view in landscape and portrait mode. The problem is when I apply width spring from Interface builder, the button changes its size proportionally. But when I apply the same spring by code i.e. [self.view setAutoresizesSubviews:YES]; [testButton setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizing...

Different AutoScaleDimensions leads to incorrect form representation

In my C# .NET 3.5 application I am using WinForms forms with docking and anchoring. I am working on a desktop with big display and on a small laptop. A few forms has a list view with anchors set to both 4 bounds and a few buttons below. My forms are shown incorrectly: if I edit a form on the desktop computer, on the notebook the lowest...

Problem with size of a Toolbar2000 with an embedded Frame

I have Jordan Russel's Toolbar2000 toolbars that I create at runtime with an embedded TFrame and dock on the application main form. This frame has an embedded pane that in turn contains other panels and various controls. So the structure is: TTBDock TTBToolbar TFrame (align=alNone, Autosize=true) TPanel 1 (align=a...