



Does anybody know how can I dynamically resize a RichTextBox control to its contents?


Could you Dock it to it's parent or use a TableLayout panel to define it's area.

HTH ema

To the content of the textbox.
+1  A: 

It's kind of a pain - the C# RichTextBox is often frustrating to work with. Are you trying to size the box big enough to hold its contents without any scrollbar?

If the RichTextBox has a constant font, you can use TextRenderer.MeasureText to simply measure the required size, and pass in the box's width as a constraint.

The ContentsResized event gives you a ContentsResizedEventsArgs, which gives you a NewRectangle which tells you how big the text area is. But it only fires when the text changes, which isn't as useful if you simply want to measure an existing richtextbox (although you could probably just do something hacky like set the box's text to itself, triggering this event).

There are also a bunch of Win32 api calls, like using EM_GETLINECOUNT (, etc.
