
Fade between Tab Pages in a Tab Control

I have a Tab Control with multiple Tab Pages. I want to be able to fade the tabs back and forth. I don't see an opacity option on the Tab Controls. Is there a way to cause a fade effect when I switch from one Tab Page to another? ...

ASP Tabpanel postback only on one tab

Hi I have a tabpanel with a calendar control on the 4th tab but when I select a date, the postback causes the tabpanel to return to the first tab instead of the 4th that it came from. Is there a way to get it to return to the tab that the calendar control is on and not revert back to the first tab ? I know setting autoPostback to true o...

autosize controls in TabPages

I have a TabControl consisting of several TabPages. One of these TabPages contains a TreeView and another contains a DataGridView. I would like these controls (and tabpages) to AutoSize to the maximum size allowed in the TabControl without scrolling. The DataGridView contains an AutoSize property inherited from Control which garbles the...

How to hide TabPage from TabControl

How to hide TabPage from TabControl in WinForms 2.0? ...

UserControl inflates when placed on a form?

EDIT > SOLVED: It turns out that I had set all of the UI elements' font properties to be 14pt Arial, but not the usercontrol itself, so when it was drawing it on the form, it was resizing it all. Changing the usercontrol's font size to 14pt Arial, and then repositioning/resizing everything fixed it. I started working on the UI for an ap...

C# TabControl TabPage Change

Hello, How do I change the tabpage being displayed in my tabcontrol programmatically? ...

Create Tabbed MDI Interface

I am using C# 2005 to develop an Windows application. I am planning to use a Tab Container to display the child forms. I have used a Menu Strip to display the menu and have set IsMDIContainer = true property of the MainMenu form. The MainMenu form also contains a Tab Control and I plan to display all child forms as Tap Pages in the Tab C...

Remove a TabPage

I am using C# 2005 to create a Windows application. I have a MDIForm (frmMainMenu) which contains a Menustrip and a TabControl. My ChildForm is frmPurchaseEntry. When the user clicks on a particular Menu option a new TabPage is created and the child form is displayed within the TabPage. I am using the following code in the MenuClick...

.Net DataGridViews Bound to Same Binding Source in Different Tab Pages

I have a winform (C# VS2008 .net 3.5) with a Tab Control. Two of the pages on the tab control have Data Grid Views bound to the same Binding Source. This works fine. However, there is a bug with Tab Pages in that Data Grid Views held in Tab Pages always show the first column of the bound table, whether or not it is set to visible at d...

Make tabpage not process mousewheel events (C#)

Hello. I have made a MDI (tabbed) application that uses PictureBoxes inside TabPages. The picturebox is sometimes larger then the tabpage, so scrollbars appear. It is written in C# using Windows Forms. Inside my tabpage, I capture and process mouse wheel events in the MouseWheel event (i use it to rotate some objects I draw in the pict...

Visual studio - TabControl.TabPages.Insert not working

Hi guys. A simple one. Here's my code: public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); MyServiceSettings obj = (MyServiceSettings)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("MyServiceSettings"); foreach (MyServiceConfigElement service in obj.Services) CreateServiceControl(service); } private void ...

Focus tabpage on error (.NET)

Hello, i have a TabControl with several TabPages and controls in every TabPage. I'm using some data binding and validation bult on entity framework. The problem is that when error occures on the tab, other than the visible one it cant be seen. Is there a way to make TabPage selected when the error occures on some control, hosted in it?(i...

Multi-tab application (C#)

Hi, I'm creating a multi-tabbed .NET application that allows the user to dynamically add and remove tabs at runtime. When a new tab is added, a control is added to it (as a child), in which the contents can be edited (eg. a text box). The user can perform tasks on the currently visible text box using a toolbar/menu bar. To better expla...

c# problem with form / tabcontrol redraw on maximize

I have an app / form with a tabcontrol on it. When I maximize my app, I see a redraw-bug - empty parts of the right area on the tabpage arent drawn correctly and show other weird stuff. (It's just the background, the controls on the tabpage are okay) I assume it must be a simple setting somewhere, but I can;t figure out what it is. Any ...

Tabpage control leave

I have a tab control and 3 tabpages in it. ( C#) if i am in tab 2, and edit a text box value and then click tab 3, i need to validate what was enetered in the text box. if correct i should allow to to switch to tab 3 else should remain in tab 2 it self how do i achieve this? iam curently handling the "leave" event of the tabpage2, ...

C# TabPages added at runtime don't autosize the parent form

I have a simple form that contains a TabControl where the TabPages are added at runtime. I have gotten all of this to work almost as I want it to, however when I set the form to autosize, it ignores the runtime TabPages in the calculation... How can I either force the form to delay the autosizing until the TabPages have been added, or fo...

WinForms TabControl validation: Switch to a tab where validation failed

Hi, I currently have a Form with a TabControl containing some TabPages. Each TabPage has several controls with validation logic and appropriate ErrorProviders. On my OK_Button_Clicked event, I call Form.ValidateChildren() in order to determine whether to save and close the form . Now, suppose I have a control in tab 1 that fails validat...

How do you modify a control that has been re-parented to a TabPage?

I have a user control that contains a collection of controls to be reused for presenting data on the UI. I've attempted implementing a "pop-out" option that will re-parent the control from another container on the form (a Panel, for example), create a new tab page, and then add the control to the tab page. Unfortunately, when the contr...

Programatically Change the tab order Winforms

Hi Geeks, Don't know if i missed a minor property or method, or if its not possible at all, how do i programmatically re order the tabs in a tab control. i need to sort the tabs depending on some conditions. if its possible to do the reordering through the designer i guess we must be able to do it thorugh code at runtime too??/ thanks...

.NET WindowsForm - TabPage GotFocus Event

This page indicates that TabPage has a GotFocus event, but in Visual Studio 2008 I don't see that option on the TabPage (it says it is inherited from the control, i.e. the TabControl). What event would I use to write some code that runs each time a user clicks on a different tab? Would I use the GotFocus of the TabControl - but in tha...