
PHP find a remote absolute path

Hi, I'm having a problem fetching the absolute URL of a remote image. What I'm doing right now is this: foreach($html->find('img') as $e){ $path = parse_url($e->src, PHP_URL_PATH); $absolute = realpath($path); if($e->src==$path){ echo '<img class="pic" src=' . $absolute . '/><br/>'; } } This code has been written using t...

Python: List of lists of integers to absolute value to single number

If i had a list of list of integers say: [['12' '-4' '66' '0'], ['23' '4' '-5' '0'], ['23' '77' '89' '-1' '0']] I wanted to convert the numbers to their absolute values and then to a single number, so the output would be: 1246602345023778910 thanks ...

Text Wrapping around an absolute positioned div.

I know there are a few questions about similar topics but they mostly amount to floating the div/image. I need to have the image(and div) positioned absolutely (off to the right) but I simply want the text flow around it. It works if I float the div but then I can't position it where I want. As it is the text just flows behind the pictur...

PHP fopen filename. Is it relative or absolute?

Hi I'm having problems with my paths and fopen with reference to my web server. I have a file saved in public/dan/new/apps/lovescopes/thisfile.php. thisfile.php will create a new file in public/internalServer/lovescopes/xml/2009/12 using fopen "x+". now my errors show in the line where fopen is: 1.) if i type in the path as relative ...

IE and absolute positioning divs

This problem is only in IE. Consider the following HTML: <html> <body> <div style='position:absolute;left:1em;right:1em;top:1em;bottom:1em;overflow:auto;'> Put more than a full screen of text in here. It should create a scroll inside the div. In IE, it stretches the div out vertically. </div> </body> </html> If you put a ton of...

Drupal: losing images when moving site location; placeholders point to old absolute path rather than relative path

My file directories have not changed, but every time I move from local host to production, or just change the filename of a test site online, I loose the images. Example: I've mainly been using an online location for building and testing Drupal sites, but recently I forgot to stop the robots from indexing a test site. So as a quick fix...

Is it there anyway to make a div within a div 'breakout' of the parent div without specifying widths of child, just childs elements

ie I have a div, below is a hidden div, which is wider than the div above. I want to specify the div inside to have elements with greater widths than the div above. these elements right hand side is aligned to the right hand side of the div above, but since it is wider, want the left hand side to break out. The div below is on a diff la...

Absolute DIV height 100%

I have been working on this for the past couple of hours, and searching the web and stackoverflow hasn't been much support. How do I make #gradient and #holes fill the entire page? I have used the Inspect Element feature in Safari, and when I highlight the body element it does not fill the entire window. HTML: <body> <div id="gra...

Make div with absolute position expand and fill the rest of the page

I have a div with absolute positioning, which serves as a kind of horizontal line, with a background image with x-repition. I want its width to fill up the whole page, but its x-position isn't 0 so I can't just give it width 100%. How do I do it? ...

Programmatically setting Absolute URL inside image controls for .NET Facebook Application

The goal is to allow a function to be called from within an ASPX imagebutton control that is used as part of a form. The need for an absolute URL is that Facebook Canvas applications require them. So the rendered control should look something like <input type="image" src="http://myURL.com/images/submit.gif" /> The ASPX markup might be ...

change an absolutely positioned webpage into a centered one

So I have this template design that is currently absolutely positioned, but I'm trying to make it centered in any widescreen browser. I've tried making the width auto on the left and right side in my container, but it is still aligned with the left side. Css .JosephSettin_png { position: absolute; left:0px; top:0px; w...

CSS: Why an input width:100% doesn't expand in an absolute box?

I have 2 inputs: they both have a width: 100%, and the second one is an absolute box: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <style type="text/css"> #box1 { ...

IE7 relative/absolute positioning bug with dynamically modified page content

Hi, I was wondering if there's anyone having an idea how to tackle with the following problem in IE7: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <title>IE7 absolute positioning bug</title> ...

Should image/css/javascript references from HTML use relative or absolute paths?

What are the pros and cons of referencing web assets using relative or absolute paths? For example: <link rel="StyleSheet" href="/css/mystylesheet.css" type="text/css" /> <img src="/images/myimage.gif" alt="My Image" /> vs. <link rel="StyleSheet" href="../css/mystylesheet.css" type="text/css" /> <img src="../images/myimage.gif" alt=...

Relative Path To Absolute Path in VB .NET

Hi, I am writing a VB .NET console app where it spits takes relative path and spits out all file name, or error for invalid input. I am havinf trouble getting PhysicalPath from RelativePath Example: ` 1. I am in folder: C:\Documents and Settings\MehdiAnis.ULTIMATEBANGLA\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\SP_Sol\SP_Proj\bin\Debug ...

Can I use an absolute url in an html img tag on a IIS7 ASP.NET application?

While migrating ASP.NET intranet applications from IIS6 to IIS7, I came across a problem with absolute urls in html tags: I can't get them to consider the application as the root of the url unless the application is published at the root of the web site. Here is a code snippet that demonstrates the problem. It is published in an appli...

Use absolute path for easier modify include path in future?

config.php put at the root level, this file will be included in any pages. Then at config.php <?php define( 'ROOT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) ); ?> So at all other pages from different sub/a.php , sub/sub/b.php directories, when I want to include a specific file in specific location, I just need to include( ROOT_DIR.'/include/functions....

PHP: Why the 'abs' function returns a wrong number if it begins with zero?

The code "abs(070000)" returns 28672, but the code "abs(70000)" returns 70000. Did the zero at the beginning means that the number is interpreted as hex? Thank you! ...

HTML Position DIV Tag to the absolute TOP

.myDiv { background-image: url(urltomyimgheader); height:100px; margin: auto; position:relative; top:-10px; width:600px; } This is a simple div tag used to display the logo... I have made the top -10px to make it touch the top of the browser where unless there is a gap between the logo and the page. However i feel bad about us...

cakephp links not relative

In my layout, I have a menu that I've included as an element, and it contains a link like so.. <? $html->link('New Part Number','/part_numbers/add'); ?> The problem that I have is that cake isn't redirecting correctly and it ends up sending me to "http://localhost/part_numbers/add" instead of "http://localhost/my_client_folder/client_...