Hi I'm having problems with my paths and fopen with reference to my web server.
I have a file saved in public/dan/new/apps/lovescopes/thisfile.php.
thisfile.php will create a new file in public/internalServer/lovescopes/xml/2009/12 using fopen "x+".
now my errors show in the line where fopen is:
1.) if i type in the path as relative like ../../../../internalServer/lovescopes/xml/2009/12
I end up with a Permission Denied error.
2.) if i type an absolute path like /public/internalServer/lovescopes/xml/2009/12
I end up with "Failed to open Stream: No such File or Directory"
I'm still confused if I should use relative or absolute paths. I have an ftp_nlist and it worked perfectly well with #2. Is Fopen the same?
Also with the different error messages which I believe points to the same path, I don't know which way am I doing it right 1 or 2?
Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated.