
Vertically center a title with fixed height in css

I have a header <h1>My Header</h1> It has a height of 150px and a font-size of say 1.3em; How can I make the header text vertically centered with CSS. I would rather not wrap it in a container DIV (wrapping divs really defeat the whole CSS idea). ...

What's The Best Way of Centering a Div Vertically with CSS

I want to center a div vertically with CSS. I don't want tables or Javascript, but only pure CSS. I found some solutions, but all of them are missing Internet Explorer 6 support. <body> <div>Div to be aligned vertically</div> </body> How can I center a div vertically in all major browsers, including Internet Explorer 6? ...

How do I vertically align text next to an image with CSS?

Why won't "vertical-align: middle" work? And yet, "vertical-align: top" does work. <div> <img style="width:30px;height:30px"> <span style="vertical-align:middle">Doesn't work.</span> </div> CSS is so annoying. ...

How to make text run top-to-bottom in CSS?

Does anyone know how to make text align top-to-bottom in a div. SO won't even let me demonstrate it . . . I just want the letters to stack on top of each other in a vertical line down the page like the stories of a building. Was hoping I didn't need to do it with an image. ...

"vertical-align: middle" does not align to the middle in Firefox

I'm trying to align some text of different sizes vertically, however, Firefox displays the smaller text way above the middle. CSS: div.categoryLinks { margin: 1em 16px; padding: 0 4px; border-width: 1px 0; border-style: solid; border-color: #ece754; background: #f7f5b7; color: #a49f1c; text-align: center; font-size: 1.4em; } d...

How can I get vertical alignment in flow slot in Shoes?

The default vertical alignment in a flow slot is apparently to top-align the elements. Here's a sample: (:title => "Vertical Alignment", :width => 300, :height => 150) do background "#DFA" flow :margin => 30 do title "BIG" tagline "MEDIUM" inscription "SMALL" end end How do I get the flow slot to center-al...

Vertical aligning in CSS?

So I know all about the problems with vertical-align: middle; and the different methods people have used to vertical align elements in CSS. But I haven't found one that works for what I need it to work for. Basically my page has just one <div> on it, which I want positioned in the center of the page, both horizontally and vertically. Ob...

How to format multiple tables for vertical alignment

I have inherited some HTML code and have been asked to align the two tables so the text lines up between the two columns. There is an outer table that provides a two-column look to this thing, then two inner tables (one for each column). Each inner table contains boxes that hold text. It is these boxes of text that the client wants alig...

Aligning matrices vertically as well as horizontally in LaTeX

I'm trying to accomplish this in LaTeX: ⎡a⎤ ⎡b … n⎤ ⎢⁞⎢ ⎢⁞ ⋱ ⁞⎢ ⎣x⎦ ⎣y … z⎦ [a … x] I'm able to get a vector + a matrix on one line, but I'm not sure how to align the vector below so that it sits perfectly under the large matrix. Here's a less-unicode text representation of the 'drawing' above: [a] [ b c ] [d] [ e f ] ...

Why is vertical-align:text-top; not working in CSS

I want to align some text to the top of a div. It seems that vertical-align: text-top; should do the trick. It doesn't seem to work. The other things that I have done, such as putting the divs into columns and displaying a dashed borer (so I can see where the top of the div is) all work fine. <style> #header_p { font-family: Arial; fon...

vertical align div within a div using jquery?

Hi there, Anyone have any experience with jquery vAligh plugins or similar? I tried to align for the following but it fails.. I was using a simple valign plugin (I will put the plugin at the end, its a jquery extension), if anyone can help it would be really helpful... var overlayLayer = $("<div id='office-location'></div>").addClass...

Vertically align text inside an element with a percentage height?

As I have an element with a percentage height I can't use the line-height hack. Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this? <div height="100%"> I want to be vertically aligned in the middle </div> ...

how to vertically align a block of elements?

If to align a single line of text,vetical-align and line-height will be enough. What if want to align a block of text vetically? ...

Vertical Align Image Centering with Overflow:hidden

<div style="overflow:hidden; height:100px; width:100px;"> <image src="etc.jpg" width:"100px" /></div> I've got an img into a div. The height of the IMG is undefined but it is bigger than the 100px of the DIV. I want to vertical centering the IMG and hide the top and bottom hoverflow. Still I can't understand how to do this... Daniel...

Vertical spacing between display:inline divs in a fluid grid

Ok, not too sure where to start... I'm putting myself together a blogger, completely gutting it's css and just using it as a simple content manager. here is the test site i've been working with Ignore the header, its broken, but I know what I'm doing there. My problem is with the film reviews...

Is there a "right" way to have NSTextFieldCell draw vertically centered text?

I have an NSTableView with several text columns. By default, the dataCell for these columns is an instance of Apple's NSTextFieldCell class, which does all kinds of wonderful things, but it draws text aligned with the top of the cell, and I want the text to be vertically centered in the cell. There is an internal flag in NSTextFieldCell...

Vertical (rotated) label in Android

I need 2 ways of showing vertical label in Android: Horizontal label turned 90 degrees counterclockwise (letters on the side) Horizontal label with letters one under the other (like a store sign) Do I need to develop custom widgets for both cases (one case), can I make TextView to render that way, and what would be a good way to do ...

latex tabular: align lstlisting top or bottom

Hi, Im trying to put lstlistings into a table. Those listings have different lengths and unfortunately they are vertically aligned within their table cell - but i want both of them to have vertical alignment top. | A| |A A| So i get|A B| instead of |B B| |B C| | C| | D| | D|...

Variable dimension fluid images, vertically and horizontally centered Interestingly enough the problem here is in Firefox of all things. Single image per page, variable heights and widths, has to be vertically and horizontally centered, has to be fluid (shrinks for smaller browser windows) and I'm merely looking for recent browser support (IE8, Chrome, F...

How to vertical align <input> and <iframe> inside <td>?(demo included)

Hi all. The page is very simple here: code: <table> <tr> <td valign="top"> <input type="text" /> <iframe scrolling="no" height="21px" frameborder="0" width="62px" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="Server/SecCode.php"> </iframe> </td> </tr> </table> ...