
path-finding through smoke

I once found a paper on path finding through a simulation that involved smoke(fluids in general). Has anyone read anything like this ? I can't remember the name of the paper or the author. If you know a paper like this please tell me ...

Algorithm for modeling expanding gases on a 2D grid

I have a simple program, at it's heart is a two dimensional array of floats, supposedly representing gas concentrations, I have been trying to come up with a simple algorithm that will model the gas expanding outwards, like a cloud, eventually ending up with the same concentration of the gas everywhere across the grid. For example a giv...

Fluid Elements and Overflow Question

So here's a stump I've hit. I'm designing a... Thing. It sizes itself to the browser window, with some controls at the top and a rather large list near the bottom. Anyways, it's basically a table cell that sizes with the browser window, whos size is the document size - 130px in height, and document size - 50px in width. What I want it t...

website using 960.gs what css rule is responsible for divs filling 100% screen width

Hi I am trying to learn CSS and have been looking at the source of websites to learn how it works in practice. I came across the 960 grid system the other day, and found a really beautiful site design that is using the 960gs framework >> OneHub At this stage, I don't think it is very wise for me to use a CSS framework until I have a bet...

CSS Help, Making Menu Fluid

I got some help with this menu earlier but have a different request now. The menu works fine with fixed width but I would like the words to wrap ONLY on the top menu categories. I need to be able to have n categories and have the width be evenly distributed. Obviously n would be within reason (I am not going to have 50 categories) but I...

three columns fluid layout

You can copy&paste the following markup and css to see the effect. The problem exists in the "footer" part. Now "column1" and "column3" are absolutely positioned. It works only when "column2" is highest. How to make the "footer" not interleave with column1~column3 under all conditions? markup: <body> <div id="mainwrap"> <div id="he...

Vertical spacing between display:inline divs in a fluid grid

Ok, not too sure where to start... I'm putting myself together a blogger, completely gutting it's css and just using it as a simple content manager. here is the test site i've been working with http://jamesparishtestblog.blogspot.com/ Ignore the header, its broken, but I know what I'm doing there. My problem is with the film reviews...

Taming Scrollbars in complex layout in Flex

Are there any general tips on managing scrollbars and maintaing a complex liquid layout in flex? Here is the scenario: The application container is full browser screen with a docked application bar at the top. Inside the app is a general container called "appbox" which contains a viewstack of subcomponents. The subcomponents themselv...

CSS Column Divs Help needed..

Hi everyone, I am trying to construct a page layout, where the left column has a fixed width and a height of 100% (of whatever the right column is) and the right column has a fluid width. I've tried various ways of doing it, but can't seem to get it right.. Here's my code: <div id="pageHolder"> <div id="topSection"> header goes ...

Fluid grid layout jQuery

Im using http://phase-change.org/jquery.gridlayout to achieve the fluid layout of several divs in my layout. I need to keep a div on the right which contains my main menu the rest its just the content divs. I cant figure out how to maintain the menu on the right without floating it or making the grid elements respected the menu and rea...

Are fluid websites worth making anymore?

Hey guys, I'm making a website now and I am trying to decide if I should make it fluid or not. Fixed width websites are much easier to make and also much easier to make them appear consistent. To be honest though, I personally prefer looking at fluid websites that stretch to the full width of my monitor. My question comes from the fact...

Fluid content div with optional sidebar.

Hello, I have a question that I haven't found addressed in the various CSS layout models I've looked at, so I thought I'd post it here. I'm working on a site that uses a basic fluid/fixed two-column layout. The content of the site is in the left div, and the sidebar in the right. The sidebar has a fixed width of 200 pixels or so, and th...

Fixed - Liquid - Fixed Layout

I'd like to have a [Fixed][Liquid][Fixed] cross-browser compatible layout. HTML: body div#col-1 div#col-2 div#col-3 CSS: #col-1 { width:150px; float:left; } #col-2 { width:100%; padding:0 150x; } #col-3 { positon:absolute: right:0; width:150px; } Would this work/better way ...

Spread out elements over a fixed width div?

Hi Is there way to spread out elements, (eg: <li>'s inside a <ul>), within a div? EG: I have 3 elements, so they all get 30% EG: I have 5 elements, so they get 20% What is the best way to do this? ...

jquery tabs css fluid layout

hi guys, quick question. I have a tabbed interface for my site but I have all the parts of the site crashing into each other. How do I achieve a fluid layout where it simply resizes when the display is smaller. I read a few articles @ alistapart and made my containing div relative to the browser window and every other div within the d c...

Fluid Form Layout in Delphi

We have developed a software. In this software we are show and hiding a few controls on various input screens depending on various situations. When we hid a control what happens is that the space occupied by that control is left as it is and layout looks very bad at times esp. in screens that have larger numbers of controls. Our client ...

iPhone fluid simulation

Somebody know fluid engine for iphone?I need water and gases simulation. ...

Fluid NumericPad Issue

using Fluid.Classes; using Fluid.Controls; using Fluid.Drawing; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SmartDeviceProject8 { class ConversionPage : FluidPanel, ICommandContainer { private NumericPad numPad; priva...

Fixed-Fluid Columns in Table

<table> <tr> <td>Fixed-Width Column: 250px</td> <td>Fluid Width Column: remaining width</td> </tr> </table> I'm not creating a page layout with this, and I need to use Table. Is there any way to achieve this cross-browser? I'm already using jQuery on this project, if that helps? Thanks in advance for your help. ...

Is it wise to use a Fluid Layout?

Google Labs Browser Size I've always preferred fixed-width layouts over fluid-width layouts, one of the main reasons is that I'm able to better understand how the whole picture will be without having to worry about the screen resolution. But now the "picture" has changed, there is a high discrepancy between the lowest and highest res...