
What's the simplest way to count the number of requests to /foo/ that Apache has served?

I'm looking to retroactively parse the logs and count the number of /foo/* requests that have occurred to have a baseline benchmark for a new feature that we're pushing. A simple command line script would be fine -- with an added bonus for being able to specify a date-range. Some use of grep, perhaps? ...

Spam proof hit counter in Django

I already looked at the most popular Django hit counter solutions and none of them seem to solve the issue of spamming the refresh button. Do I really have to log the IP of every visitor to keep them from artificially boosting page view counts by spamming the refresh button (or writing a quick and dirty script to do it for them)? More ...

Visit page without incrementing hit counter

I frequently visit a certain page on the web to view the hit-counter, but my visit is counted every time and it's inflating the number of actual hits. Is there a way to visit the page without adding another hit to the hit counter? ...