
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically

I'm trying to get a vertical seekbar going with the emulator, but I'm sort of stuck. I can get the seekbar to display the way I want it to, and I can get the progress to do what I want, and I can modify the onTouchEvent to get the thumb to go vertically instead of horizontally. What I can't do is get the thumb to move outside of the de...

How to handle back and forward buttons in the hildon.Seekbar?

The hildon.Seekbar widget consists of a scale widget and two buttons. What signals does the widget send when the buttons are clicked or how could I find out? Is there a way to monitor all signals/events that a widget sends in PyGTK? ...

Seekbar problem in wpf media element when playing a streaming video

Hi, I'm having a problem with the mediaelement in WPF. I need to make a audio/video player that plays media from a streaming server (my streaming server) the problem is that I can't get the seek bar to work. The same video played from "c:\video.ogv" works perfect and from "http:\\video.ogv" has no seek bar, the video plays fine...

Slider control in SeekBar really my best/only option?

I'm using SeekBar as a slider because I can't find anything else, but I have to do so much hacky work because it doesn't allow me to set a minimum value or go in between ints. So, any time I need a slider to start at a value other than 0 or return a floating point number, I have to set a max value that doesn't describe the true max valu...

seekbar progress customization

Hi all, Using progress_horizontal.xml as a base drawable for my seekbar i was able to customize it pretty well. But unfortunately i stuck with the following problem. I need my progress to be made from two horizontal lines with different color something like this . In this ca...

Android Remove SeekBar Background

Is there a way I can remove the background bar image in the SeekBar android widget? I just want it to show a slider with no progress bar behind it. Any help? ...

Android seekbar widget: no vertical orientation?

I can't believe there is no way to change the orientation of the SeekBar widget. I've been perusing this widget's properties and I can't find anything that allows me to change its orientation to vertical. So, am I missing something obvious? Do I have to write my own implementation of a seekbar to have its thumb slide up/down instead of ...

How to figure out that mp3player is delayed when seek bar is working with ??

While playing mp3 by mediaplyer and showing the progress with seek bar, the problem is that mp3playing sound is delayed when mediaplyer and seekbar working at the same time. I used thread, handler, timer for solving that problem on seekbar.setProgress(mediaplayer.getCurrentPosition()). what do I do?? sdk can take more playb...

Discrete seekbar in Android app?

i would like to create a seekbar for an Android app that allows the user to select a value between -5 and 5 (which maps to "strongly disagree" and "strongly agree"). how do i make a seekbar with discrete values? or is there a better UI widget i could use for this? thanks. ...

Android ProgressBar.setProgressDrawable only works once?

In a color picker, I have 3 SeekBars for Hue, Saturation, and Value. Calling setProgressDrawable on these SeekBars only works once -- at initialization from onCreate. When the user updates the Hue SeekBar, I want to call setProgressDrawable for the Saturation and Value SeekBars, to show the user their color choices for the new Hue. Bu...

how can i create a seekbar in javascript

i am working on a webapp for viewing youtube videos using chromeless and it js api i can implement play,pause,mute,etc easily but not sure how to create a seekbar ...

Android SeekBar thumb gets clipped/cut off

Re-worded question: When using a custom thumb drawable with a SeekBar view, the thumb drawable is clipped at the left and right edges of the view. hi created a custom music player.But when i play the song the player head appears cut off at both sides.I haven't written any code to modify its default positon.Have no idea how to do. http:...

How do I cancel a "drag" motion on an Android Seekbar?

I've been reading through the docs, and I cannot figure out how to cancel a "drag" on a Seekbar once the bar has been completed. For example, when I drag the bar to the end, I want an event to happen. However, if I keep my finger on the screen and drag my finger past the SeekBar, it keeps firing off that event even after I reset the pro...

Is it possible to have a SeekBar's thumb image extend outside the bar?

I have set negative paddings on my custom seekbar so that the round thumb image can go outside the bar, but the thumb isn't rendered out there, is there anyway to force the thumb to be drawn outside those bounds? Sorry guys, I'm new to Android development, and have been tasked with fixing an existing application. The problem is that we ...

How to customize the look of a seekbar in Android?

I use a seekbar in my application and would like to customize it a little bit. I already figures out how to change the drawable for the thumb and for the background. My question is how to change the size of the seekbar? If I just change the height of the seekbar like this, the view is only clipped and it only shows the top piece of th...

SeekBar disappears when pressed back button in Android?

Hi, I am using seekbar in my application. I am setting up the seekbars progress value in onResume. But if I do so then seekbar is visible only once. If i go to other activity and then press back button then seekbar doesnt show up. Can some one help me out in this? I have read somewhere that seekbar works if its in oncreate and if its...

How to make a vertical SeekBar in Android ?

Can a seekbar be vertical? I am not very good at UI design, so how make seekbar more beautiful, please give me some templates and examples. ...

Android: SeekBar Increment Value - How To

My SeekBar (slider) works just fine but, it increments/decrements by one's as I slide my finger but, I want to change the increment value to a constant, such as 5. I tried using slider.incrementProgressBy(5); to do it but, it doesn't work (note: I placed it in different locations, inside and outside the action listener, but it did...

Seekbar width in a custom preference

Hi, I'm trying to code a preferences widget to set a value with a SeekBar. This includes a Title, Summary, Seekbar and a TextView to show current value. All of them but Title should be shown in a second row (as standard preferences). I can't make it work. I first tried with a RelativeLayout but BELOW, etc. rules where not applied.Then ...

How can I programmatically span columns in a tablelayout?

I have a dynamic tablelayout that I build programmatically. Every so often one of the rows has a child SeekBar. Any suggestions for how I can programmatically make these SeekBars span across all the table columns? Thanks. ...