
Java JFrame: howto parse recursively through componets (i.e. if using JScrollPane)

I'm using TableLayout for my swing GUI. Initially only some basic labels, buttons and text fields where required which I could later on access by: public Component getComponent(String componentName) { return getComponent(componentName, this.frame.getContentPane()); } private Component getComponent(String componentName, Component co...

Table Row SHOW / HIDE *Without* Column Width Resizing, w/ TableLayout: auto

I have table with multiple rows, showing items for sale. When the user clicks on a row, a Javascript inserts / shows a new row right beneath it with details about the item. The issue is when the description is long, it forces the column widths to readjust / resize. This shifts the columns positions and is really annoying, especially for ...

Automatic image resizing in a CSS flow layout to simulate a html-table layout

I have an image that, depending on the screen resolution, drops down out of sight in my CSS flow layout because I have set its width and height to static values. Is there a way in a CSS flow layout to have the image automatically resize while someone is making the browser window smaller. I have seen this done in a html-table layout and...

Problem with table content leaking outside it's container: how to manipulate table layouts

I'm having a problem keeping the contents of this table within it's container: See here. The table is being automatically generated by something called CataLook store which is a DNN module. I really wish they would make modules up to standards-- ie. <div> instead of <table> but this is what I'm stuck with... I've tried Firebugging it ...

Create TableLayout programatically

Hi, I'm trying to create a TableLayout programatically. It just won't work. The same layout in an xml file works though. This is what I have: public class MyTable extends TableLayout { public MyTable(Context context) { super(context); setLayoutParams(new TableLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutPara...

How to use css to style xhtml markup made only of divs like a table

See source code of this I can't change anything in xhtml code. And i need cross browser output exact like this. How we can give same look with less and optimize css This is CSS #ConferencesContainer { overflow:hidden; } #ConferencesContainer img { float:left; padding:0 10px 10px 0; } #ConferencesContainer #Con...

How can I get an Android TableLayout to fill the parent in landscape mode?

I am using a TableLayout in my application. It contains four TableRows each containing four ImageViews. The behavior I want is to scale the layout to fit the shortest dimension. It works fine in portrait mode but fails miserably in landscape mode. From the documentation it looks like this is because the TableRow layout_height is always...

Alignment of items in row when using TableLayout

Im trying to figure out how to line up items in each row of a table (TableLayout) - ideally I want the center of each cell to line up horizontally. The documentation isn't very clear on what's possible with TableLayout. Each cell has a different view widget so I thought a tabular layout would work well but they are all different sizes an...

Android TableRow RelativeLayout Issue

I have the following <TableRow xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/admin_row" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:gravity="center_horizontal"> <RelativeLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" ...

padding an entire column in an html table

I have two columns in a table. Without explicitely specifying a column width, I want to allow a bit of space between the left column and the right. I know I can do this by setting the padding-right style on each left cell, but is there some way to just specify it once so it applies to all cellsin that column? I don't want to add a "sp...

android: help creating tablelayout

I have a hard time understanding the layout tutorial. I am not able to align columns on different rows. For example, what does 3dip mean in android:padding="3dip". The documentation says "Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), mm (millimeters). ". ...

cellspacing differences between different versions of IE

I've noticed, that unless I use a cellspacing attribute set to 0px on my tables, they render slightly differently in IE8 depending on compatability mode. When set to on, the table cell spacing appears larger. I can mitigate this by setting cellspacing to 0, but I want to do it with css, and I can't find anything that causes the exact s...

android table layout rowspan

I want to build the following layout but it is not working. <LinearLayout android:orientation="horizontal"...> <ImageView ...></ImageView> <TableLayout ...> <TableRow..> <ImageView ...></ImageView> <ImageView ...></ImageView> ...

android table layout one for both (landscape and portrait view)

I want to create the following layout which should be 100% in landscape form as displaying in portrait form. here is my code which i tried but not working <TableLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:stretchColumns="0"> ...

Buttons to fill width when using TableLayout

Hello, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ScrollView xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <TableLayout android:id="@+id/TableLayout01" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent"> <Tab...

How can I find out the row /column of a view inside table layout

Suppose I have a view inside TableLayout, like this: TableLayout tableLayout; View view = (View)tableLayout.findViewById(; How can I find out the view's row/column within the TableLayout? ...

problems with adding TableRow dynamically vs getMeasuredHeight/getHeight

Hi, I've got a problem. I wish to add rows dynamically to a TableLayout. When adding these rows I need to be able to get the size of the View, so I attempt to perform this during onSizeChanged() but the new rows don't display. So I tried onFinishInflate(), but then I don't have access to the size (getMeasuredHeight returns 0) output...

Android TableLayout question: get a fixed-width right column?

(Edited: I'm one step further than before) I've been trying to get a simple 2-column TableLayout going where I have a LinearLayout in my left column that I dynamically add elements to which fills up the horizontal space except for the fixed 100px right column. Here's what I have so far which works for me IF the LinearLayout contains mo...

how to show group tableview android?

i want to bulid a table layouts like ...

How can I get an Android TableLayout to fill the screen?

Hi, I'm battling with Android's retarded layout system. I'm trying to get a table to fill the screen (simple right?) but it's ridiculously hard. I got it to work somehow in XML like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TableLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_height="fill_parent" a...