
android XML TableLayout issue: horizontal scroller going outside of right side of screen

I have a TableLayout with a tableRow and a horizontal scroll view in the 2nd column, but the right side always gets cut off. IF i have only 1 tableRow, it works, otherwise it goes past the visible area of the screen. To simply and isolate the problem heres an xml file with the guilty culprits. It seems basic but i have been super frustra...

Android changing tableLayout from code doesn't work

I got a strange problem with replacing a table row from code. My XML code looks like this: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" > <TableLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.androi...

Show/Hide for cells of TableLayout

C# Winforms: My tableLayout has only one column but it has three rows. I want to be able to show/hide the rows. I did a google search and found this, it works perfect for Hiding the row But what to do for showing it again? setting the height to a hard coded number? Not a good idea ... tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles[0].SizeType = Size...

Swap two buttons positions in TableLayout

Suppose I have the following layout <TableLayout xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/TableLayout"> <TableRow android:id="@+id/TableRow01" > <Button android:text="1" android:id="@+id/button01"/> <Button android:text="2" android:id="@+id/button02"/> <Button android:te...

Get all TableRow's in a TableLayout

I've been looking for hours on how to get all TableRow's in a TableLayout. I already know how to add and delete rows dynamically, but I need to loop over all the rows and selectively delete some of them. I think I can come up with a work around, but I'm trying to avoid crude hacks in my app. ...

Android TableRow - How to add View dynamically to certain postion?

Hello, friends! I'm constructing TableLayout dynamically. And I need TableRow has a gap in certain column position. For example, I need row has ImageView on 3 and 5 position, next row has ImageView on 1, 2, 4 position. I try to use: TableRow row1 = new TableRow(this); row1.addView(new ImageView(this), 2); row1.addView(ne...

Adding TextViews to a TableLayout "stackable"

Ok, my problem is, I have got n-TextViews and they will be added programmatically into a TableLayout. It totally doesnt matter, how I style these TextViews or the TableLayout, everytime I add something, it adds the TextView on the bottom after the other TextViews. These Views have got a variable width, which is calculated out of their te...

Android TableLayout: preserve column widths between different tables

I have two TableLayouts, one above the other, in my View. I want them to act as a single table for the purpose of calculating column widths, but appear separately with a gap between them (and the main View background showing through) for aesthetic reasons. Each table has 3 columns, and I want the column widths sized automatically depend...

cannot use a Tablelayout within a widget????

Hello. Here is the xml file of my Android widget: This code is showing me some good results in Eclipse, but as soon as I sent the file to my device and try to add the widget to my homescreen I get this error code and the widget showing: "Problem Loading the Widget": So what? ...

Scrollable TableLayout & Column Headers

I am trying to create a basic datasheet in my application using a TableLayout. The first row contains the titles of each column. Every row thereafter is data. I would like the data to be scrollable while keeping the first title row visible (i.e. the first row would not scroll with the rest). I have tried something like the following (un...

Problem with some advanced UI

Hi, I'm trying to create tables with rounded corners. I've quite a bit of XML to do this, but I have a problem. The table is wrapping itself to the width of its inner text. I want the entire thing to fill the parent (though I want a border around it so there is some cushion, which I have). I can't understand why it is not when I have...

Android: How to design to achive the "RadioGroup" effect?

Hi guys, I'm trying to design an Android layout that would look like the following: Entity1 option1 for Entity1 option2 ... optionN Entity2 option1 for Entity2 ... optionN Entity3 ... With the requirement that for each entity, one and only one option is allowed. And I decided to use radio button with the intention of using RadioGr...

Buttons in TableLayout cropped on Android 1.6 and 2.1 (but not on 1.5 or 2.2)

I have four buttons arranged in a 2x2 TableLayout. These buttons each have an image on the left and some text. The buttons display fine in the emulator for 1.5, and for 2.2, but when testing with 1.6 the two buttons in the righthand column are cropped so that they are missing their righthand edge (the padding to the right of the text i...

Android: What is best layout to use when trying to get 2x2 image buttons, and more?

I am trying to make my layout look like so. I have tried gridviews, table layouts, and more but cant get it to look right. I want something like this. ImageButton ImageButton2 ImageButton3 ImageButton4 ImageView1 ImageButton5 ImageButton6 ImageButton6 ImageButton7 ImageButton8 (these are smaller icons) ImageButton9 (sma...

layout ideas for android

I've been toying around with a lot of different layout structures and can't seem to find the best one for my solution. Essentially I need 3 rows that each take up 33% (height) of the device (in landscape mode). I thought would be perfect, but I can't seem to find a way to specify the height of a . It's possible I've overlooked a prop...

Table Layout baffle

I'm wrestling with the Android UI to try to create a table layout that has two rows with two buttons in each row. I want the buttons to each take up 50% of the space in the row. However, no matter what I set the layout_width and layout_height to, I always get two skinny buttons in each row. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Linear...

TableLayout generated by code isn't displaying

I have a need to generate a table layout dynamically using code. I can't get it to display. I've reduced the table generation code segment down to its basics to try and nut it out but even this greatly simplified version isn't working (ie. doesn't display). Can someone please point out what I'm doing wrong? Thanks. public class Tabl...

How can I programmatically span columns in a tablelayout?

I have a dynamic tablelayout that I build programmatically. Every so often one of the rows has a child SeekBar. Any suggestions for how I can programmatically make these SeekBars span across all the table columns? Thanks. ...

TableLayout background from sdcard

hey :) I want to put a background image in may java file from an image stored on the sdcard. I use the code below but with no success :/ TableLayout tl=new TableLayout(this); int tmp = this.getResources().getIdentifier("sdcard/pic.png", "drawable", getPackageName()); tl.setBackgroundResource(tmp); an idea ? ...

Android, layout_width and width, alignBaseline, TableLayout and layout_span related questions

[First, sorry, I couldn't come up with a more intelligent question title.] Okay, hang with me while you read this long post. I am new to Android, this is my very first dummy Pizza Order application. I am playing with XML layouts and have got some questions. The editText_CardNo goes out of screen, its column isn't stretching, why? (I...