
ListView in a HorizontalScrollView in Android

I have an ListView inside a HorizontalScrollView and it works perfectly fine, except for the initial load. I'm loading the data for the list view from a web service so I created a thread to do that. Once I have the data, I simply call _myListAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); and the data becomes visible in the ListView. But if the ListV...

HorizontalScrollView shrinks GridView to small line.

When I put a HorizontalScrollView around a GridView, the GridView gets compressed into a small column on the left. The Gridview's vertical scrollbar even appears on the left. The HorizontalScrollView's width is set to fill_parent and the GridView is also fill_parent. I don't know why this is happening. I tried setting the GridView's vis...

Synchronize the position of two ScrollView views

I am trying to synchronize the positions of two ScrollViews. I'm trying to do this to display a tv guide listing. I have created a custom class that extends RelativeLayout to display the guide. This relative layout has four children: an imageview in the top left corner, a HorizontalScrollView to display the column headers in the top r...

Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling

Hi, I have a ScrollView that surrounds my entire layout so that the entire screen is scrollable. The first element I have in this ScrollView is a HorizontalScrollView block that has features that can be scrolled through horizontally. I've added an ontouchlistener to the horizontalscrollview to handle touch events and force the view to...

Changing size of content in HorizontalScrollView when phone is rotated by overriding onConfigurationChanged

Hello fellow Androiders... I have a problem with resizing content in a HorizontalScrollView when the phone is rotated. I'm overriding onConfigurationChanged in my activity containing the HorizontalScrollView, since I want to handle the resizing myself. However, I'm having great problem finding where i should put the resizing of the con...

Android: Autoscrolling HorizontalScrollView

I'm using the following code to simulate tabs and since there are more tabs that width can accommodate user can scroll left or right to make a tab button visible. It all works, however I also provide user with ability to fling between tabs by swiping finger left or right on the tab contents. Again - it works. But when I fling to the righ...

How to get a TextView in Android have Horizontal Scrolling and autoscrolled?

I want to have a simple TextView with horizontal scrolling, I know that I use HorizontalScrollview for that and I want the text to be autoscrolled continuously. Is that possible? ...

android XML TableLayout issue: horizontal scroller going outside of right side of screen

I have a TableLayout with a tableRow and a horizontal scroll view in the 2nd column, but the right side always gets cut off. IF i have only 1 tableRow, it works, otherwise it goes past the visible area of the screen. To simply and isolate the problem heres an xml file with the guilty culprits. It seems basic but i have been super frustra...

Refresh layout while filling it

Hi guys, I have an activity with a HorizontalScrollView. When it opens, I start filling this view (or rather, a container layout inside it) with another views. This is done from another thread by using handler.post. The views are added in bunches of 15, and when there are no more views to add, I start updating them with new data (this...

scroll start point of a HorizontalScrollView

In the method onCreate, I tried to put a series of TextView in HorizontalScrollView and then I tried to set the value of the scroll to a TextView. Not working. When I find the TextView I need, i put it in a class field and when the cycle that inflates the TextViex is over, i ask to my good one TextViev its getLeft(), and it return me alw...

HorizontalScrollView Menu for Android

Hi, I have a menu that is made up of a HorizontalScrollView that has a LinearLayout with TextViews. When a user swipes/scrolls I want to be able to show and not show a leading and trailing image that represents that there are more options. So, when the application starts, the far left image is not shown but the far right image is. Once ...

Scrolling between views

Hello, I'm currently working on a game for android. I have three ImageView's next to each other, they're positioned next to each other using the "android:layout_toRightOf". The views are located within a RelativeLayout tag. Each of these views are centered into the middle of the screen using "android:scaleType="fitCenter"" and they fil...