
In sharepoint designer's workflow editor how do I get the workflow initiators username?

In Sharepoint designer's workflow editor I wish to retrieve the username/name of the work flow initiator (i.e. who kicked it off or triggered the workflow) - this is relatively easy to do using 3rd party products such as Nintex Workflow 2007 (where I would use something like {Common:Initiator}) - but I can't seem to find any way out of t...

How do I pass data between activities in Windows Workflow?

I'm not completely sure I understand the workflow way of doing things, but if it's a pipeline n filter style model I should be able to pass data (even strings) from one activity to another. Does anyone know how to do this? Bonus points for a video! I hope this is possible. If WF were the same as my idea of it then it would be extremel...

Custom Windows Workflow activity that executes an asynchronous operation - redone using generic service

I am writing a custom Windows Workflow Foundation activity, that starts some process asynchronously, and then should wake up when an async event arrives. All the samples I’ve found (e.g. this one by Kirk Evans) involve a custom workflow service, that does most of the work, and then posts an event to the activity-created queue. The main...

MS Workflow problem with custom activities member variable state

Hi All, I have a simple custom activity with a private member variable (integer). When i put it inside a sequence activity which is inside a while activity and start iterating i have a problem: My member variable is zeroed in each iteration even though i increment it by one every time the activity is executed. What am i doing wrong? ...

Open source document approval system or framework?

We have a new for a fairly simple workflow system, specifically focused upon business documents. It essentially accepts different types of documents (purchase requests, invoices, etc) and routes them to different roles and flows based on variables attached to them (total dollar amount, etc). I'm open to either using an existing one or w...

Configurable workflow engine for ASP.NET application

I want to use a user configurable workflow engine for an ASP.NET application. The workflow engine should provide a web based graphical designer for the end user and an API for integrating the workflow designed by the end user graphically. Does anyone have a suggestion for .Net based open source configurable workflow engines or a commerci...

The correlation token for Activity <xxx> has an invalid owner activity name.

I'm creating a composite activity. Two steps: CallExternalMethod, HandleExternalEvent. I set the CorrelationToken to some arb string, then select the only available OwnerActivityName (the containing activity). Then I get the mentioned error. How can I make the validation succeed? ...

Favorite programming brainstorming activity?

As an artist and musician, I often want to sit down and just let the code roll like a piece of free-form poetry, but I've found that doesn't work as well as when I have a set goal in mind. I've been experimenting lately with setting up tiny, fun goals for myself, not unlike how an artist would sketch a quick still-life, but I wonder... ...

SharePoint Workflow completes prematurely when reaches the onWorkflowItemChanged event

I have a workflow running on a forms list. The workflow has an OnWorkflowItemChanged activity sitting within a While activity. I know that the workflow enters the While loop and checks the while condition that has the value 'true', but it does not enter into the OnWorkflowItemChanged activity to execute its code. Once it enters the while...

WF -- how do I use a custom activity without creating it in a separate Workflow Activity Library?

I am trying to accomplish something that seems like it should be very simple. I have a State Machine Workflow Console Application with a workflow in it. I have created a custom activity for it. This activity will NEVER be used ANYWHERE ELSE. I just want to use this activity on my workflow, but: It does not appear in the toolbox. I cann...

Sharepoint Workflow - Wait for field change not firing when another workflow changes status

I'm trying to create a workflow on the Sharepoint Designer. The workflow should wait until an Out-Of-The-Box approval workflow is complete. This is done by starting my workflow with the item's creation, and usign the wait activity: Wait for field change in current item: Wait for InternalApproval to equal 16 The problem: the rul...

How do I use the Result from a CodeActivty<string> in WF 4.0?

I've created a custom activity in a .NET 4.0 beta 1 WF project. It's defined as: public class GetCurrentUserMailAddress : CodeActivity<string> because I've read that this is the most efficient way of returning a single result. At the end, I set the Result using: context.SetValue(Result, up.EmailAddress); But now I'm struggling ...

How to disable Activity cloning in WF?

Is it possible to control this nasty behavior? I'm trying to execute() some stateful activity I wrote (activity that increment an index on each execution) inside a loop (While) activity. WF engine is cloning my activity on each iteration. Since the clone is made from a template activity and not from the latest cloned one, the index prope...

WF 3.5 stateful activities

I'm using WF 3.5 and looking for a way to develop an activity preserving its state among different iterations of the standard WF "while" activity. The problem is that normally the Execute() method of an activity should return the "Closed" execution status. Once it did that - it cannot get back to the "Executing" state and in the next ite...

WorkflowElement in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2

I've downloaded beta 2 of visual studio and followed various tutorials ( regarding the creation of custom activities for Workflow. In all of the examples the activity appears to derive from WorkflowElement however it would appear not to exist in beta 2? I also notice that you can't create a Seq...

Windows Workflow - TerminateActivity causes workflow to fault?

I'm handling an exception in a FaultActivityHandler, at the end of which, I wish to end the workflow. To that end, I added a TerminateActivity to the fault handler. It looks like this causes the workflow to fault. Is there a better way of doing this? I could use an if-else to check for a an error flag, but this would end up with a lo...

Return a Folder GUID from a SharePoint Custom Workflow Activity

Hi there, Has anybody ever written code to return the GUID of a folder in SharePoint Workflow Activity so I can then pass it into a Workflow Variable? Would be really keen to see a code sample if you have one! Thanks ...

Add multiple Property Metadata to a Dependency Property in a Workflow Activity

Hi, I am building a number of Custom Activities in Windows Workflow and I need to add a DependencyProperty which can list a number of values for that property which the user can then select when using the activity. e.g. True or False. I know how to simply pass a default using the PropertyMetadata, and presume that I will have to pass ...

Workflow no-code authoring

I want to use the no-code authoring in the workflow. So no code behind. Let's say I have 2 custom activities with dependency properties. How can I bind a property from activity1 to activity2 ? ...

How to pass parameter from receiveActivity to another activity?

Is it possible to pass the parameters of a ReceiveActivity to an Activity in a no-code behind? I don't want to create a property on the workflow. I did click on Bind property of the Activity, but it doesn't show the ReceivedActivity parameters. ...