




I've been asked to cutomize the following :

  1. In the left quick launch menu, is it possible to remove these menus : Documents, Lists, discussions and Sites ? These menus need to be remove/disable/hidden by default when the user creates it's My Site.

  2. In the site action menu, is it possible to remove/disable/hide the Create menu, so the user can't create any kind of subsite, lists, etc.. ?

I'm working with MOSS 2007. Thank you very much for your help !


+1  A: 

As you are using MOSS 2007, you can customise the menu on the left by going to Site Actions -> Site Settings and Navigation in the middle.

Sharepoint Navigation on MSDN

Create rights are based on the roles assigned to the user logged in, so not giving the user create rights should remove this from the menus.



Nick Haslam