



There is a common feature of modern browsers where a user can select some text and drag it to an input field. Within the same field it causes moving of text, between different fields it does copying. How do I disable that? If there is no portable way, I am mostly interested in firefox. This is an intranet webapp, so I am also interested in modifying the browser/getting a plugin to do this. Maybe some system-level settings (I`m on windows XP)?

I need to keep the default select-copy-paste functionality.

The background is I have multiple-field data entry forms, and users often drag something by mistake.

+1  A: 

add the following to your field tags:

#ondragstart is for IE, onmousedown is for firefox
ondragstart="return false" onmousedown="return false"
There's also `onselectstart` which may be useful.
For firefox this is not enough (too much, actually), it totally disables mouse usage on a given input field. You can not even select it. Onselectstart is not good enough too. So, still no solution for firefox - for IE ondragstart does the right thing.
+2  A: 

For archival purposes:

<body ondragstart="return false" draggable="false"
        ondragenter="event.dataTransfer.dropEffect='none'; event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();"  
        ondragover="event.dataTransfer.dropEffect='none';event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();"  
        ondrop="event.dataTransfer.dropEffect='none';event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();"

does what I wanted. You can add the ondrag* handlers to form elements, too, like <input ondragenter=...>

reference url:

onmousedown="return false;" also works on firefox/chrome afaik... might be wrong... Note that the "Devil" might not do the same thing.
+2  A: 

This code will work in all versions of Mozilla and IE.

function preventDrag(event)
 if(event.type=='dragenter' || event.type=='dragover' || //if drag over event -- allows for drop event to be captured, in case default for this is to not allow drag over target
    event.type=='drop') //prevent text dragging -- IE and new Mozilla (like Firefox 3.5+)
  if(event.stopPropagation) //(Mozilla)
   event.stopPropagation(); //prevent drag operation from bubbling up and causing text to be modified on old Mozilla (before Firefox 3.5, which doesn't have drop event -- this avoids having to capture old dragdrop event)
  return false; //(IE)

//attach event listeners after page has loaded
 var myTextInput = document.getElementById('textInput'); //target any DOM element here

 if(myTextInput.addEventListener) //(Mozilla)
  myTextInput.addEventListener('dragenter', handleEvents, true); //precursor for drop event
  myTextInput.addEventListener('dragover', handleEvents, true); //precursor for drop event
  myTextInput.addEventListener('drop', preventDrag, true);
 else if (myTextInput.attachEvent) //(IE)
  myTextInput.attachEvent('ondragenter', preventDrag);
  myTextInput.attachEvent('ondragover', preventDrag);
  myTextInput.attachEvent('ondrop', preventDrag);