I'm trying to do a simple test to figure out another bug, but I'm getting Access of undefined property tsLogo for addChild(tsLogo);
I don't get it because this is simple timeline code on the first frame:
var tsFont = new TextFormat();
tsFont.font = FranklinGothic;
tsFont.size = 8;
tsFont.color = 0xFFFFFF;
tsFont.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
var tslogo:TextField = new TextField(); // <-- I've defined it right here :(
tslogo.defaultTextFormat = tsFont;
tslogo.selectable = false;
tslogo.mouseEnabled = false;
tslogo.x = 10;
tslogo.y = 10;
tslogo.width = 64;
tslogo.height = 16;
tslogo.text = "®MYLOGO";
1120: Access of undefined property tsLogo.
I'm sure this is another simple bug/fix, thanks again in advance guys! :)