Ok, I don't have enough reputation to comment on KandadaBoggu's post, so writing my comment as an answer.
I liked KandadaBoggu's response the best, but had to make some changes to get the helper method to work. The code I came up with is below. Feel free to vote me down if my changes are noobish (but better yet, comment and let everyone know why). My changes to KandadaBoggu's code are as follows:
def periodically_call_remote_starting_now(options = {})
result = ""
result << javascript_tag("starting_now_count = 0;")
result << periodically_call_remote(options.merge(:frequency => 0.001, :condition => "++starting_now_count == 1"))
result << periodically_call_remote(options)
Otherwise I get the following error:
undefined local variable or method `page' for #<ActionView::Base:0x7fc37a6e2658>