I have a problem with getting the list items, below is my hibernate code, after that code there is my method ..and below that is my junit test. How can I make sure that query is executing properly, and how can I check that results actually work .. this query should return couple of pids .. and put them in the list.. now I'm 90 % sure that my list is always empty .. instead it should have 3 pids : 4573, 4593, 4693 .. can anyone figure it out what I'm doing wrong .. why the pids are not inside my list ..
<sql-query name="endDateChecker">
<return-scalar column="PId" type="java.lang.Long"/>
pid as PId
end_date < trunc(sysdate)]]>
public List<Long> findItemByPIdEndDate() throws ROSException {
List<Long> list = null;
Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
Query query = session.getNamedQuery("endDateChecker");
list = query.list();
for (Long long1 : list) {
}catch (HibernateException e){
throw new DataAccessException(e.getMessage());
return list;
public class FindItemByPIdEndDateTest{
private static final Log logger = ROSLogFactory.getLog(FindItemByPIdEndDateTest.class);
private ApplicationContext beanFactory;
private PersistenceMngt lps = null;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
beanFactory = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/resources/ros-conf/engine-conf/applicationContext.xml");
lps = (PersistenceMngt)beanFactory.getBean("persistenceMngtService");
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testFindItemByPIdEndDate(){
List<Long> itemdb = null;
try {
itemdb = lps.findLroByPIdEndDate();
// assertNull("List is empty", itemdb);
// assertEquals(4573, itemdb.indexOf(0));
// assertEquals(3, itemdb.size());
// assertEquals(4593, itemdb.indexOf(1));
// assertEquals(4693, itemdb.indexOf(2));
} catch (ROSException e) {