



Strange thing...

I have a binding definition user-wrapper.xml:

    <include path="core-wrapper.xml" />
    <include path="user-composite-entity.xml" />

    <mapping name="users" class="UserWrapper" extends="CoreWrapper">
     <structure map-as="CoreWrapper" usage="optional" />
     <collection field="users" usage="optional" item-type="UserCompositeEntity">


Next I have this binding definition user-composite-entity.xml (included in upper file):

    <include path="core-composite-entity.xml" />
    <include path="user-entity.xml" />

    <mapping name="user" class="UserCompositeEntity" extends="CoreCompositeEntity">
     <structure map-as="CoreCompositeEntity" />
     <structure field="userEntity" usage="optional" />
     <structure field="meta" marshaller="UserMetaHashMapper" unmarshaller="UserMetaHashMapper" usage="optional" />  

Now, if I call REST which uses binding user-wrapper.xml, mapping goes successfully through. If I call REST which uses binding user-composite-entity.xml I get the next error:

org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Multiple bindings defined for class UserCompositeEntity

Now the strange thing (for me). If I remove from user-wrapper.xml <include path="user-composite-entity.xml" /> goes a like this: - call with user-composite-entity.xml is a succes, - call with user-wrapper.xml I get the error:

org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: No marshaller defined for class UserCompositeEntity

This email thread seems to have some information.

I know how to use Google ;) I found out, that JiBX compiles all classes in each binding, so if you have same classes in multiple bindings, JiBX compiles them all. I just needed to move all from user-wrapper.xml to user-composite-entity.xml and it works.
Maybe take some time to answer with some details and select it as an answer, so that it would be referenced on StackOverflow

How it works now: I don't have user-wrapper.xml anymore and user-composite-entity.xml looks like that:

 <include path="core-wrapper.xml" />
 <include path="core-composite-entity.xml" />
 <include path="user-entity.xml" />

 <mapping name="users" class="UserWrapper" extends="CoreWrapper">
  <structure map-as="CoreWrapper" usage="optional" />
  <collection field="users" usage="optional" >   

 <mapping name="user" class="UserCompositeEntity" extends="CoreCompositeEntity">
  <structure map-as="CoreCompositeEntity" />
  <structure field="userEntity" usage="optional" />
  <structure field="meta" marshaller="UserMetaHashMapper" unmarshaller="UserMetaHashMapper" usage="optional" />  

The problem was, because before I in user-wrapper.xml included user-composite-entity.xml and JiBX compiled it again (for user-wrapper.xml). That's why there were multiple binding definitions...
