



Hi, I'm just wondering about this one. I'm creating an ASP.NET webform containing lots of textboxes etc. And I want to send an e-mail based on this stuff. And the e-mails body needs to go into a string.

And the string is supposed to contain HTML code, but the syntax changes because of the string. So how can I simplify this? Is there any software or something that lets me do this? Perhaps paste in some HTML code and then convert this to string format, ready to use with

+2  A: 

If I understand correctly, you are wanting to generate an HTML email from user input via textboxes. If so, you can easily generate HTML using the HtmlTextWriter:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
using(HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sb)))
    writer.WriteAttribute("style", "font-weight:bold;");
return sb.ToString();

The above will generate a string which looks like:

<span style="font-weight:bold;">user input</span>

The HtmlTextWriter makes it very easy to ensure your markup is semantically correct and valid by mimicking the XML writers.

Rex M
Is this really the most efficient way? Wont this need a huge code, just for some plain html? What if I wanted to create a much bigger HTML string? Would it be smart to add the HTML code to a textfile and then just read the textfile as a string?
Kenny Bones

For converting a HTML formatted string back to plain text try this link,

[ HTML from string using Regular Expressions]

This will only strip the tags and doesn't remove the html symbols like an ampersand but it will get you started.
