I'd like to map an Array of "complex" data to a ListView. In a very simplified form my data model would look like something like this:
class ListPlacesValues {
String idObject;
String name;
String city;
String country;
ArrayList<String> classification;
double distance_quantity;
DistanceUnit distance_unit;
[...more stuff ...]
I know that I can convert my complex data into a HashList and then just use a SimpleAdapter:
SimpleAdapter mAdapter = new SimpleAdapter(
new String[] { "name", "city", "country"},
new int[] { R.id.name, R.id.city, R.id.country}
However, I would rather use my data model directly, but I've no idea where and how to start, so that in the end I can do something like this:
ArrayList<ListPlacesValues> values = getData();
MyAdapter mAdapter = new MyAdapter(
ListPlacesValues { values.name, values.city, values.country},
new int[] { R.id.name, R.id.city, R.id.country}
Solution: I found this Android API sample (List14), which was really helpful.