



I'm testing subprocesses pipelines with python. I'm aware that I can do what the programs below do in python directly, but that's not the point. I just want to test the pipeline so I know how to use it.

My system is Linux Ubuntu 9.04 with default python 2.6.

I started with this documentation example.

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
output = p2.communicate()[0]
print output

That works, but since p1's stdin is not being redirected, I have to type stuff in the terminal to feed the pipe. When I type ^D closing stdin, I get the output I want.

However, I want to send data to the pipe using a python string variable. First I tried writing on stdin:

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
output = p2.communicate()[0] # blocks forever here

Didn't work. I tried using instead on last line, but it also blocks. I added p1.stdin.flush() and p1.stdin.close() but it didn't work either. I Then I moved to communicate:

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
p1.communicate('test\n') # blocks forever here
output = p2.communicate()[0]

So that's still not it.

I noticed that running a single process (like p1 above, removing p2) works perfectly. And passing a file handle to p1 (stdin=open(...)) also works. So the problem is:

Is it possible to pass data to a pipeline of 2 or more subprocesses in python, without blocking? Why not?

I'm aware I could run a shell and run the pipeline in the shell, but that's not what I want.

UPDATE 1: Following Aaron Digulla's hint below I'm now trying to use threads to make it work.

First I've tried running p1.communicate on a thread.

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
t = threading.Thread(target=p1.communicate, args=('some data\n',))
output = p2.communicate()[0] # blocks forever here

Okay, didn't work. Tried other combinations like changing it to .write() and also Nothing. Now let's try the opposite approach:

def get_output(subp):
    output = subp.communicate()[0] # blocks on thread
    print 'GOT:', output

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
t = threading.Thread(target=get_output, args=(p2,)) 
p1.communicate('data\n') # blocks here.

code ends up blocking somewhere. Either in the spawned thread, or in the main thread, or both. So it didn't work. If you know how to make it work it would make easier if you can provide working code. I'm trying here.


Paul Du Bois answered below with some information, so I did more tests. I've read entire module and got how it works. So I tried applying exactly that to code.

I'm on linux, but since I was testing with threads, my first approach was to replicate the exact windows threading code seen on's communicate() method, but for two processes instead of one. Here's the entire listing of what I tried:

import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import threading

def get_output(fobj, buffer):
    while True:
        chunk = # BLOCKS HERE
        if not chunk:

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)

b = [] # create a buffer
t = threading.Thread(target=get_output, args=(p2.stdout, b))
t.start() # start reading thread

for x in xrange(100000):
    p1.stdin.write('hello world\n') # write data
p1.stdin.close() # close input...

Well. It didn't work. Even after p1.stdin.close() was called, still blocks.

Then I tried the posix code on

import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import select

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)

numwrites = 100000
to_read = [p2.stdout]
to_write = [p1.stdin]
b = [] # create buffer

while to_read or to_write:
    read_now, write_now, xlist =, to_write, [])
    if read_now:
        data =, 1024)
        if not data:
            to_read = []

    if write_now:
        if numwrites > 0:
            numwrites -= 1
            p1.stdin.write('hello world!\n'); p1.stdin.flush()
            to_write = []

print b

Also blocks on By spreading prints around, I found out this:

  • Reading is working. Code reads many times during execution.
  • Writing is also working. Data is written to p1.stdin.
  • At the end of numwrites, p1.stdin.close() is called.
  • When select() starts blocking, only to_read has something, p2.stdout. to_write is already empty.
  • call always returns something, so p2.stdout.close() is never called.

Conclusion from both tests: Closing the stdin of the first process on the pipeline (grep in the example) is not making it dump its buffered output to the next and die.

No way to make it work?

PS: I don't want to use a temporary file, I've already tested with files and I know it works. And I don't want to use windows.

+1  A: 

You must do this in several threads. Otherwise, you'll end up in a situation where you can't send data: child p1 won't read your input since p2 doesn't read p1's output because you don't read p2's output.

So you need a background thread that reads what p2 writes out. That will allow p2 to continue after writing some data to the pipe, so it can read the next line of input from p1 which again allows p1 to process the data which you send to it.

Alternatively, you can send the data to p1 with a background thread and read the output from p2 in the main thread. But either side must be a thread.

Aaron Digulla
Thanks, but that doesn't work. I've updated my question showing what I've tried.
You can't use communicate() in this case. You must read and write the individual pipes.
Aaron Digulla
Aaron: I tried with .read() on the thread too, but it also blocks

I think you may be examining the wrong problem. Certainly as Aaron says if you try to be both a producer to the beginning of a pipeline, and a consumer of the end of the pipeline, it is easy to get into a deadlock situation. This is the problem that communicate() solves.

communicate() isn't exactly correct for you since stdin and stdout are on different subprocess objects; but if you take a look at the implementation in you'll see that it does exactly what Aaron suggested.

Once you see that communicate both reads and writes, you'll see that in your second try communicate() competes with p2 for the output of p1:

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
# ...
p1.communicate('data\n')       # reads from p1.stdout, as does p2

I am running on win32, which definitely has different i/o and buffering characteristics, but this works for me:

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
t = threading.Thread(target=get_output, args=(p2,)) 
p1.stdin.write('hello world\n' * 100000)

I tuned the input size to produce a deadlock when using a naive unthreaded

You might also try buffering into a file, eg

fd, _ = tempfile.mkstemp()
os.write(fd, 'hello world\r\n' * 100000)
os.lseek(fd, 0, os.SEEK_SET)
p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=fd, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)

That also works for me without deadlocks.

Paul Du Bois
Thanks!!! I checked `` and tried to do as you said, but it still blocks. I've updated my question. HELP!!!

What about using a SpooledTemporaryFile ? This bypasses (but perhaps doesn't solve) the issue:

You can write to it like a file, but it's actually a memory block.

Or am I totally misunderstanding...

Adam Nelson
`SpooledTemporaryFile` rolls over to a real file when you call its `fileno()` method (which Popen needs to do), so it is the same as using a file - defeats the purpose of using a pipeline in first place. :(
+2  A: 

I found out how to do it.

It is not about threads, and not about select().

When I run the first process (grep), it creates two low-level file descriptors, one for each pipe. Lets call those a and b.

When I run the second process, b gets passed to cut sdtin. But there is a brain-dead default on Popen - close_fds=False.

The effect of that is that cut also inherits a. So grep can't die even if I close a, because stdin is still open on cut's process (cut ignores it).

The following code now runs perfectly.

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
p1.stdin.write('Hello World\n')
result = 
assert result == "Hello Worl\n"

close_fds=True SHOULD BE THE DEFAULT on unix systems. On windows it closes all fds, so it prevents piping.


PS: For people with a similar problem reading this answer: As pooryorick said in a comment, that also could block if data written to p1.stdin is bigger than the buffers. In that case you should chunk the data into smaller pieces, and use to know when to read/write. The code in the question should give a hint on how to implement that.

EDIT2: Found another solution, with more help from pooryorick - instead of using close_fds=True and close ALL fds, one could close the fds that belongs to the first process, when executing the second, and it will work. The closing must be done in the child so the preexec_fn function from Popen comes very handy to do just that. On executing p2 you can do:

p2 = Popen(cmd2, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE, stderr=devnull, preexec_fn=p1.stdin.close)

There are three main tricks to making pipes work as expected

  1. Make sure each end of the pipe is used in a different thread/process (some of the examples near the top suffer from this problem).

  2. explicitly close the unused end of the pipe in each process

  3. deal with buffering by either disabling it (Python -u option), using pty's, or simply filling up the buffer with something that won't affect the data, ( maybe '\n', but whatever fits).

The examples in the Python "pipeline" module (I'm the author) fit your scenario exactly, and make the low-level steps fairly clear.

More recently, I used the subprocess module as part of a producer-processor-consumer-controller pattern:

This example deals with buffered stdin without resorting to using a pty, and also illustrates which pipe ends should be closed where. I prefer processes to threading, but the principle is the same. Additionally, it illustrates synchronizing Queues to which feed the producer and collect output from the consumer, and how to shut them down cleanly (look out for the sentinels inserted into the queues). This pattern allows new input to be generated based on recent output, allowing for recursive discovery and processing.

You don't need threads. It would be ridiculous to require threading for a simple thing as running a pipe. The problem is already solved, for months, in my answer - it was the `close_fds=True` that was causing the problem.
You do need either threads or processes. Subprocess.Popen just does them under the hood so you don't see them. You initially had so much trouble because you didn't understand the principles of communicating with another process via pipes, which is why I posted examples that succinctly illustrate the nitty-gritty details. Your statement that close_fds should be the default on Unix systems makes it clear that you still don't understand pipes very well, or at least haven't thought through the possible scenarios.
Also, for all but he most trivial tasks, "communicate" is not an adequatemechanism for sending data into a pipe -- especially if you are trying toconsume data from the other end. For a more robust solution, you'll needsomething like the queues from my second example. Also, also, the only reasonyour "solution" example works is that you were saved by buffering that youprobably aren't even aware of. If you wrote more data to p1.stdin, it wouldhang again. People who see your solution example are going to go away misleadabout how to do this right.
My answer was just a simple example - If one needs to write more than what the buffers allow, then `` should be used to know exactly when it's possible to read or write without blocking, as I did in one of the attempts in the question. I still don't need threads, or processes, or queues for that. Just plain `select`, single process/thread. About `close_fds=True` - it should be the default because it leads to WTFs. `Popen` implementation, as you said, hides the details, so it shouldn't pass the `fd` to the child process **by default**. That should be done explicity if one wants.
Now it is clear that you also do not understand how to use See my explanation above. You're just down-voting my responses to protect your own.
I'm downvoting your responses, because they are **wrong**, as in, they don't provide a solution to the question. You say to use threads but that didn't work out when I tried - it blocks just the same without `close_fds=True`. Perhaps you want to provide code with threads that can make a pipe work using subprocess.Popen? Because that was the original question. Also, saying that people don't understand stuff is meaningless and annoying since you don't explain anything different, so you could just be quiet about it since you don't want to help.
I didn't say to use threads. I prefer processes. At any rate, in just a minute, I'll post a version of your "solution" which does not use <code>close_fds=True</code>
I've addressed the solution in the comments section. In the future, please refrain from posting answers with content that should be a comment (because it doesn't answer the question).

Nosklo's offered solution will quickly break if too much data is written to the receiving end of the pipe:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
p1.stdin.write('Hello World\n' * 20000)
result = 
assert result == "Hello Worl\n"

If this script doesn't hang on your machine, just increase "20000" to something that exceeds the size of your operating system's pipe buffers.

This is because the operating system is buffering the input to "grep", but once that buffer is full, the p1.stdin.write call will block until something reads from p2.stdout. In toy scenarios, you can get way with writing to/reading from a pipe in the same process, but in normal usage, it is necessary to write from one thread/process and read from a separate thread/process. This is true for subprocess.popen, os.pipe, os.popen*, etc.

Another twist is that sometimes you want to keep feeding the pipe with items generated from earlier output of the same pipe. The solution is to make both the pipe feeder and the pipe reader asynchronous to the man program, and implement two queues: one between the main program and the pipe feeder and one between the main program and the pipe reader. PythonInteract is an example of that.

Subprocess is a nice convenience model, but because it hides the details of the os.popen and os.fork calls it does under the hood, it can sometimes be more difficult to deal with than the lower-level calls it utilizes. For this reason, subprocess is not a good way to learn about how inter-process pipes really work.

You can do all that from the same process/thread by using `` on a pipe. You really **don't** need threads, processes or queues. My answer didn't cover it for simplicity, but there's an example of how to do that, in the question. About the last paragraph - not everybody wants to learn about how inter-process pipes really work. They just want them to do their job and be out of the way. That's why higher level constructs are created like `subprocess.Popen`. They should work for the majority of common-use cases without require knowledge from the user - that's the **whole point**.
Also, even when using threads, the script hangs, if you don't have `close_fds=True`.
sorry, but wrong again. all you have to do to make your example hang is to overflow the buffer in your "write" call:<code>p1.stdin.write('hello world!\n' * 5000); p1.stdin.flush()</code>. I challenge you to either post an example of using to handle arbitrary input and pipe buffering from a single thread, or to stop spreading disinformation and vote up my answers since they correct your mistakes. Are you aware that every time you call Popen, you are creating one or more separate threads/processes. Your toy answers don't work in the real world and lead to wtf.
pooryorick -> example that doesn't hang. It handles arbitrary input size, by writing it in chunks, and only when `` says you can write, so it *never* blocks. In the example, **NO THREADS ARE CREATED, EVER** not even inside `Popen`. Of course a new process is created for each `Popen`, because, as I said earlier, **that's the whole point of `Popen`**. Now that your challenge is fullfilled, I now challenge you into providing a `subprocess.Popen` PIPE solution using threads, that doesn't block and doesn't use `close_fds=True` (which is the real solution here).
The code you posted is fatally flawed. See the explanation in my answer to the posted code. Note that I've already fulfilled your challenge using os.fork rather than subprocess.Popen: The same principles apply to subprocess.Popen
I fixed my code, the fixed code is in the other answer. I don't care if you fixed it on other library, the question is very specific about `subprocess.Popen` so if you don't know the answer please shut up. I will normally downvote all answers that don't answer the question in any way.

In one of the comments above, I challenged nosklo to either post some code to back up his assertions about or to upvote my responses he had previously down-voted. He responded with the following code:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import select

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)

data_to_write = 100000 * 'hello world\n'
to_read = [p2.stdout]
to_write = [p1.stdin]
b = [] # create buffer
written = 0

while to_read or to_write:
    read_now, write_now, xlist =, to_write, [])
    if read_now:
        data =
        if not data:
            to_read = []

    if write_now:
        if written < len(data_to_write):
            part = data_to_write[written:written+1024]
            written += len(part)
            p1.stdin.write(part); p1.stdin.flush()
            to_write = []

print b

One problem with this script is that it second-guesses the size/nature of the system pipe buffers. The script would experience fewer failures if it could remove magic numbers like 1024.

The big problem is that this script code only works consistently with the right combination of data input and external programs. grep and cut both work with lines, and so their internal buffers behave a bit differently. If we use a more generic command like "cat", and write smaller bits of data into the pipe, the fatal race condition will pop up more often:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import select
import time

p1 = Popen(["cat"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["cat"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)

data_to_write = 'hello world\n'
to_read = [p2.stdout]
to_write = [p1.stdin]
b = [] # create buffer
written = 0

while to_read or to_write:
    read_now, write_now, xlist =, to_write, [])
    if read_now:
        print 'I am reading now!'
        data =
        if not data:
            to_read = []

    if write_now:
        print 'I am writing now!'
        if written < len(data_to_write):
            part = data_to_write[written:written+1024]
            written += len(part)
            p1.stdin.write(part); p1.stdin.flush()
            print 'closing file'
            to_write = []

print b

In this case, two different results will manifest:

write, write, close file, read -> success
write, read -> hang

So again, I challenge nosklo to either post code showing the use of to handle arbitrary input and pipe buffering from a single thread, or to upvote my responses.

Bottom line: don't try to manipulate both ends of a pipe from a single thread. It's just not worth it. See pipeline for a nice low-level example of how to do this correctly.

Your answers can't be upvoted, simply because they don't answer the question. I'm getting tired because you don't provide any `Popen` code that answers the question, and keep bragging nonsense about "you have to use threads". I've fixed my code bugs, by switching some statements around, and then improved it for easy testing. Now it tests **all** combinations of a lot of buffer sizes to read and write, and data sizes, repeating each test 50 times, and **all of them work fine**, again without using threads. So no "magic number". I'm still waiting your answer.
That's a better example of It still contains an unnecessaryclose() function -- learning how to use os.fork and os.pipe is the best way toget a handle on the issues. The magic number is still there -- you've justparameterized it. This example cuts your effective buffer from (usually) 64kto 1k or even less, so performance will suffer. Next step: how would you feedthe entire output back through the same pipe exactly one time?
The point about Popen is that it uses os.fork and os.exec, so you already *are*working with threads/processes -- it's just a matter of knowing how tomanipulate the pipes.
Finally, is more appropriate for multi-consumer/multi-producer scenarios. It's overly-complex for this scenario. For a much simpler solution (which does not use close_fds), see my os.fork answer to this question.

Responding to nosklo's assertion (see other comments to this question) that it can't be done without close_fds=True:

close_fds=True is only necessary if you've left other file descriptors open. When opening multiple child processes, it's always good to keep track of open files that might get inherited, and to explicitly close any that aren't needed:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

p1 = Popen(["grep", "-v", "not"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
p1.stdin.write('Hello World\n')
p2 = Popen(["cut", "-c", "1-10"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
result = 
assert result == "Hello Worl\n"

close_fds defaults to False because subprocess prefers to trust the calling program to know what it's doing with open file descriptors, and just provide the caller with an easy option to close them all if that's what it wants to do.

But the real issue is that pipe buffers will bite you for all but toy examples. As I have said in my other answers to this question, the rule of thumb is to not have your reader and your writer open in the same process/thread. Anyone who wants to use the subprocess module for two-way communication would be well-served to study os.pipe and os.fork, first. They're actually not that hard to use if you have a good example to look at.

Well, that's not really a pipe, since you're closing one side before starting the other process. Even then, if you change your code to write more data (like in `p1.stdin.write('Hello World\n' * 100000)`) it will block. You said you need the reader and writer in separate processes but you **still haven't provided any code** that does it successfully with `subprocess.Popen`. That was the question. If you know an answer, then please answer. If you don't, please stop saying nonsense as "community wiki".
Which illustrates that you also don't understand what pipes are. And this code does *exactly* what your example does, so if it's not a pipe, neither is yours. The real answer to your question is that the subprocess module is inadequate when you want two-way communication with another process, particularly if future input to the pipe depends on observed output from the pipe. The beauty of shell pipes is that they don't hog memory by buffering output like subprocess does. You don't explicitly instantiate multiple processes with subprocess.Popen, because it does that under the hood with os.fork.
`Popen` forks, yes, but it uses `os.execvpe`, so in the end, a single new process is created for each `Popen`, as it should be.

Here's an example of using Popen together with os.fork to accomplish the same thing. Instead of using close_fds it just closes the pipes at the right places. Much simpler than trying to use, and takes full advantage of system pipe buffers.

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import os
import sys

p1 = Popen(["cat"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)

pid = os.fork()

if pid: #parent
    p2 = Popen(["cat"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
    data =

else: #child
    data_to_write = 'hello world\n' * 100000
Hm, that makes sense. However it needlessy starts 3 new processes, not 2. So I would refrain from using this solution.
Thanks for that answer, with help from it I was able to find another solution that creates only a single new process per `Popen`, and doesn't need `close_fds=True` - using `preexec_fn` to close fds in the forked child before `execvpe`. I've edited my answer.