Can you always structure a recursive function for tail-call elimination? If not, what are other strategies to limit the stack size?
For example: (inspired by
// Depth-first search of labyrinth, with large depth > stacklimit
def search ( labyrinth: SearchDomain,
path: List[SolutionNode],
goal: DesiredResult ) = {
if ( path.head == goal ) return path
candidates: List[SolutionNode] = labyrinth.childNodes(path)
candidates.find { c =>
Nil != search( labyrinth, c :: path, goal ) // potential boom!
} match {
case Some(c) => c :: path
case None => Nil
The goal is not to nit-pick this particular function, but to use it as a prop to learn techniques to limit stack-size.
My take-away from this is:
If the problem domain is such that recursion may hit limitation of stack-size:
Rewrite the code to be the scala-compiler-version-of-tailcall-optimizable. This can be aided/verified by the new (2.8) @scala.annotation.tailrec annotation.
If that is not feasible, rewrite it to use iterative looping constructs.
I'm also getting the sense that this rewriting (either case) is something that takes a certain amount of skill/talent/smarts/practice.