I'm looking for an automated way to fuzz my app or scan it for vulnerabilities. Please assume that my hacking knowledge is 0. Also the source is on my localhost so I need a way to fuzz it locally without relying on an internet connection. Can some security experts give me some hints or recommendations? I'm not sure what options are best.
Thanks for the effort to answer, but none so far seems to get the point. I'd like to be more specific (because it helps the question) but without influencing opinions or sounding like I'm advertising a specific product. I'm looking for something like wapiti (sorry to mention names, but had to, because answers so far like learn about sql injections, xss etc. are obviously not real "expert" answers to this question. I already know about these (seriously, does this question sound like it could asked by someone who doesn't know salt about security?)
I'm not asking whether I should test, I'm asking how I should test. I already decided to incorporate automation (and there's no turning back in this decision unless someone gives me an expert answer that proves it useless), so please respect my decision that I'd like to automate. I don't want to go through every compiled xss, sql injection, etc. hack list and try it manually myself against my site (even hackers don't hack that way). Super extra points to anyone who gets the question.
Some people are asking why not just learn. Best practices (which I know) are not the same as knowing hacking. Some people want to argue they're a flip-coin, but I definitely don't agree :) hence I need a protection tool by someone with the "hacker mentality". How is that going to hurt, in fact, you should try it too ;) Expert answers please from those who know.