



Here's the situation:

I have a web application (Java servlets) at "". A business partner is going to supply me with data from his application at "".

His application is driven by a web form (POST). I know nothing about his application other than the results will always be returned via a web page.

For example, if I create a static HTML form with a submit button and send it to his web site, I get the results in my browser.

I can create that web form in my application, but now - how to I read the results from his web site?

Any ideas?


+3  A: 

Sounds like you want to do some screen scraping - check out XQuery for that.

Shane C. Mason
sounds like it....
Frank V

If he were up for upgrading how he does it, Web Services (specifically, SOAP) would be a standard, maintainable way to pass data between applications on a network.

Dean J
I totally agree, but his site is not going to get updated any time soon. What I get is what I get. <joy>

If you want finer control in the process and not to XMLize the HTML page, I would use HttpClient + HTML Parser
