



In CakePHP, how do you select just a subtree in a model which actsAs tree?

I tried this, to find the tree headed by the item with label = "My Label"

$this->find("threaded", array(
    "conditions" => array(
        "label" => "My Label"

...however looking at the logs, it runs this SQL:

SELECT, Menu.parent_id, Menu.lft, Menu.rght, Menu.label,
FROM menus Menu
WHERE label = 'My Label'

Which obviously only selects the one node, and not all its children.

+1  A: 

It seems you will have to do it in two steps like this (from the manual):

$parent = $this->Category->find('first', array('conditions' => array('label' => 'My label')));
$parentAndChildren = $this->Category->find('threaded', array(
    'conditions' => array(
        'Category.lft >=' => $parent['Category']['lft'], 
        'Category.rght <=' => $parent['Category']['rght']

You can't use the 'label' => 'my label' condition in the threaded call, since it would only find results that match that condition, parents and children. 'threaded' only rearranges the results of a normal find operation based on the parent_id, so you'll have to supply your own condition of what "children" are by using the lft/rght columns.

yeah I ended up doing pretty much exactly this same thing - it seems funny to not have included this functionality in the component.
I agree, seems like an obvious use case. There's `->children()` but no `->childrenThreaded()`. Poking around the model class I'm thinking you could probably do `$model->_findThreaded('after', null, $model->children($id))` if you're going by id, but it seems kinda hacky. :o)