I have a python script, which I daemonise using this code
def daemonise():
from os import fork, setsid, umask, dup2
from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr
if fork(): exit(0)
if fork(): exit(0)
si = file('/dev/null', 'r')
so = file('daemon-%s.out'%os.getpid(), 'a+')
se = file('daemon-%s.err'%os.getpid(), 'a+')
dup2(si.fileno(), stdin.fileno())
dup2(so.fileno(), stdout.fileno())
dup2(se.fileno(), stderr.fileno())
print 'this file has the output from daemon%s'%os.getpid()
print >> stderr, 'this file has the errors from daemon%s'%os.getpid()
The script is in
while True: try: funny_code(); sleep(10); except:pass;
loop. It runs fine for a few hours and then dies unexpectedly. How do I go about debugging such demons, err daemons.
Without starting a process like monit, is there a way to write a watchdog in python, which can watch my other daemons and restart when they go down? (Who watches the watchdog.)