



How can I access a simple java object as a bean?

For example:

class Simple {
    private String foo;
    String getFoo() {
        return foo;
    private void setFoo( String foo ) { = foo;

Now I want to use this object like this:

Simple simple = new Simple();
simple.setFoo( "hello" );

checkSettings( simple );

So I'm looking for the implementation of the method checkSettings( Object obj ):

public boolean checkSettings( Object obj ) {
    // pseudocode here
    Bean bean = new Bean( obj );
    if( "hello".equals( bean.getAttribute( "foo" ) ) {
        return true;
    return false;

The java language contains a package called java.beans which sounds like it could help me. But I don't find a good starting point.

Any hints?

+6  A: 

I think the functionality you're looking for resembles the one from the BeanUtils class of apache-commons:

Take a look at the getProperty() method of BeanUtils.

+2  A: 

java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo yields an object implementing java.beans.BeanInfo, which in turn can be used to get PropertyDescriptors and MethodDescriptors (via its getPropertyDescriptors- and getMethodDescriptors-methods), which in turn can be used to get the information you actually want.

It is not really less effort than using reflection.

OK, now I have a PropertyDescriptor. How can I use it to read an attribute from a given object?
Got it. `value = PropertyDescriptor.getReadMethod.invoke( object )`. A bit complicated, but I'm more flexible this way than with apache beanutils. Thanks.

As stated in the question comments above I'm still not sure what you want, but it sort of sounds like you want to wrap an object gets & sets to an interface with a getAttribute. This is not what I think of as a "bean".

So you have an interface:

interface Thingie {
     Object getAttribute(String attribute);

You would have to write an implementation of that that uses reflection.

class Thingie {
  Object wrapped;

  public Object getAttribute(String attribute) throws Exception {
      Method[] methods = wrapped.getClass().getMethods();
      for(Method m : methods) {
        if (m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("get"+attribute)) {
           return m.invoke(wrapped);
Except that `isFoo` is a valid name for a boolean property named `foo` and `GetFoo` is *not* a valid name for a getter and `getFoo(int index)` is not a Bean getter and, and, and, ... Basically the Bean specification is pretty specific and this code implements only a very small subset of it.
Joachim Sauer