How can I find the X Y coordinates of an HTML element (DIV) from Javascript if they were not explicitly set?
That can be tricky depending on browser and version. I would suggest using jQuery and the positions plugin.
I am not sure what you need it for, and such things are always relative (screen, window, document). But when I needed to figure that out, I found this site helpful:
And I also found that the tooltip plugin someone made for jQuery had all sorts of interesting insight to x,y positioning tricks (look at its viewport class and the underlying support jQuery provides for it).
You can use a library such as Prorotype or jQuery, or you can use this handy function:
It retuns an array.
myPos = findPos(document.getElementById('something'))
x = myPos[0]
y = myPos[1]
function findPos(obj) {
var curleft = curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
curleft = obj.offsetLeft
curtop = obj.offsetTop
while (obj = obj.offsetParent) {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft
curtop += obj.offsetTop
return [curleft,curtop];
Here's how I do it:
// Based on:
var getCumulativeOffset = function (obj) {
var left, top;
left = top = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
do {
left += obj.offsetLeft;
top += obj.offsetTop;
} while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
return {
x : left,
y : top
Does any one have an idea how to get the x,y mouse position with a parent div
|---------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | x | | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------
Basically the illustration indicate a div, with x being the current position of the mouse relative to its parent.