We are using Perforce. In the depot are some projects that have their own main/branches/releases sub folders. There are also some resource files (png, mp3 and so on) that are needed (shared) for some of the different projects. Those don't have the main/branches/structure. Currently they are stored in a seperat folder in the depot that is independent of the projects.
Now I'm not sure how to share the resource files for the projects. I'm a bit confused. At least I can say that symbolic links would be wrong, since if a resource file gets updated the projects should not get the newer version automatically. It should require a explicit step since it could be that the project needs to be adapted to the newer version.
What I could imagine is to integrate the resource files to the dedicated places, maybe using prepared branch views. Would this be okay? But then I can only imagine to integrate into the main-line. What is then when I would like to edit or add a resource file in a branch? A branch that will be back-integrated into main? Could I add there an image and integrate it into the resource file folder and then to the other projects? And if I would edit a resource file in the branch, should those edit get integrated into the resource file folder? Sounds messy. AFIAK one should not integrate randomly. Isn't it true? Do I need some special rules for this way? Or is it not a good idea at all?
Would it help to have main/branches/releases folders for the resource files as well? Maybe Project specific? How would this apear?
Thanks for any help! I could also imagine not to use integration, rather to elaborate workspace views that map both resource files and project files to a single local environment. But I guess this will surely cause some other problems.