Off the top of my head you could run a new server instance for each subdomain using different environment.
But that won't scale very well.
However the first few google hits for multiple rails databases turn up some new suggestions. Putting together the information in those links provides this wholly untested solution for a single server instance.
You'll need to add a database entry for each subdomain in your databases.yml. Then add a before_filter to your application controller
Update! Example reloads the database configurations dynamically. Unfortunately there's no good way to make the update rails wide without messing with your server's internals. So the database configuration will have to be reloaded on every request.
This example assumes database entries in databases.yml are named after subdomains.
login: &login
adapter: mysql
username: rails
password: IamAStrongPassword!
host: localhost
<<: *login
database: mysite_www
<<: *login
database: mysite_subdomain1
<<: *login
database: mysite_subdomain2
require 'erb'
before_filter :switch_db_connection
def switch_db_connection
subdomain = request.subdomains.first
ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = YAML::load(
As I said it's completely untested. But I don't foresee any major problems. If it doesn't work hopefully it puts you on the right track.