This is what I got after doing some research on this topic.
I was able to create alternate url to connect to private tweets in twitter using the site
I have created the below code to get the tweets from twitter.The issue is that i need to refresh the code to get new tweets every 10 minutes.I tried to do that using the code below, but it returns the data for the first time after that its not refreshing automatically.Can some one help me to correct the code.
Appreciate ur help
google.load("feeds", "1");
setInterval ("loadTweet()", 10000);
function newSlideShow() {
var feed = new google.feeds.Feed("[mykey=I removed the key before adding to this message]");
feed.load(function(result) { if (!result.error) {
var container = document.getElementById("feedControl");
for (var i = 0; i < result.feed.entries.length; i++) {
var entry = result.feed.entries[i];
var attributes = ["title", "link", "publishedDate", "contentSnippet"];
for (var j = 0; j < attributes.length; j++) {
var div = document.createElement("div");
} } }});
function loadTweet(){