



I have an app that uses the python/c api and I was wondering what files I need to distribute with it? The app runs on Windows and links with libpython31.a Are there any other files? I tried the app on a seperate Win2k system and it said that python31.dll was needed so theres at least one.

Edit - My app is written in C++ and uses the Python/C api as noted below.

+2  A: 

The best way to tell is to try it on 'clean' installations of windows and see what it complains about. Virtual machines are a good way to do that.

Shane C. Mason
Thanks. I did that and found out I need python31.dll and which is an archive of the Libs folder.
George Edison
+1  A: 

You'll need at least Python's own DLL (release-specific) and the wincrt DLL version it requires, also Python version depended (if you want to run on releases of Windows that don't come with that DLL). The popular py2exe, the not-widely-know but hugely powerful Pyinstaller (NOTE: use the svn version, not the released version which is aeons behind), and similar package-makers, do a good job of identifying and solving all such dependencies, so there's no case for doing it by hand!

Alex Martelli