



I was attempting to set up an aspect on one of the classes extending AbstractAction (SWF - package org.springframework.webflow.action) on the public final method execute.

The execute is the only public method in the interface Action class It's signature is: public abstract Event execute(RequestContext requestcontext) throws Exception;

Now I have tried to define the pointcut in the following ways but it is still not getting invoked.

(1) @After("execution(* com.tester.SampleAction.*(..))")

(2) @After("execution(public final org.springframework.webflow.execution.Event org.springframework.webflow.action.AbstractAction.execute(..))")

(3) @After("execution (public final org.springframework.webflow.execution.Event org.springframework.webflow.action.AbstractAction.*(..))")

(4) @After("execution (public final * org.springframework.webflow.action.AbstractAction.*(..))")

The execute method is defined the AbstractAction class.
I have checked that in my Aspect class other aspects are being correctly invoked. (So there is not configuration issue from spring side). I am using the runtime weaving in Spring for AOP. ( I assume Spring would be using Java dynamic proxy for this internally since an interface exists)

Please suggest the right pointcut definition?