Hi all
I need to use onApplicationEnd()
as part of Application.cfc
to execute a call on a 3rd party Java object to close a connection to another device on the network.
The code I have worked perfectly if I call it as a normal request, but when I place it in the onApplicationEnd()
method I'm running into some errors. These errors suggest that CF might in fact be shutting down already to the point where I cannot access these 3rd party Java classes.
<cffunction name="onApplicationEnd" returnType="void">
<cfargument name="appScope" required="true" />
<cfset var logLocation = "test" />
<cflog file="#logLocation#" text="*** [Application.cfc] - **** START RUN ****" />
<cflog file="#logLocation#" text="*** [Application.cfc] - #timeformat(now(),'HH:mm:ss' )# - onApplicationEnd() called " />
<cfif structKeyExists(ARGUMENTS, "appScope")>
<cflog file="#logLocation#" text="*** [Application.cfc] - #timeformat(now(),'HH:mm:ss' )# - ARGUMENTS.appScope is defined" />
<cflog file="#logLocation#" text="*** [Application.cfc] - #timeformat(now(),'HH:mm:ss' )# - ARGUMENTS.appScope is undefined! " />
<!--- Check if we have a test crypto object in scope, and if so close it's connection --->
<cfif structKeyExists(ARGUMENTS.appScope, "testCrypto")>
<cflog file="#logLocation#" text="*** [Application.cfc] - #timeformat(now(),'HH:mm:ss' )# - onApplicationEnd() - crypto object exists in app scope" />
<cfset ARGUMENTS.appScope.testCrypto.closeConnection() />
<<cflog file="#logLocation#" text="*** [Application.cfc] - #timeformat(now(),'HH:mm:ss' )# - onApplicationEnd() - closed crypto server connection" />
<cflog file="#logLocation#" text="*** [Application.cfc] - #timeformat(now(),'HH:mm:ss' )# - onApplicationEnd() - NO crypto server connection present to close" />
<cfcatch type="any">
<cflog file="#logLocation#" text="*** [Application.cfc] - #timeformat(now(),'HH:mm:ss' )# - onApplicationEnd() - Error - #cfcatch.message#" />
<cflog file="#logLocation#" text="*** [Application.cfc] - #timeformat(now(),'HH:mm:ss' )# - onApplicationEnd() ended " />
The line to close the connection on my object is failing with the message: 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: Shutdown in progress'.
Here are the full logs for one run:
"Information","Thread-8","10/23/09","09:05:54",,"*** [Application.cfc] - **** START RUN
"Information","Thread-8","10/23/09","09:05:54",,"*** [Application.cfc] - 09:05:54 - onApplicationEnd() called "
"Information","Thread-8","10/23/09","09:05:54",,"*** [Application.cfc] - 09:05:54 - ARGUMENTS.appScope is defined"
"Information","Thread-8","10/23/09","09:05:54",,"*** [Application.cfc] - 09:05:54 - onApplicationEnd() - crypto object exists in app scope"
"Information","Thread-8","10/23/09","09:05:54",,"*** [Application.cfc] - 09:05:54 - onApplicationEnd() - Error - Shutdown in progress"
"Information","Thread-8","10/23/09","09:05:55",,"*** [Application.cfc] - 09:05:55 - onApplicationEnd() ended "
Is there restrictions to what I can do in onApplicationEnd()
and if so is there any work around?
I am using CF 8 (8,0,1,195765) Developer Edition on a Windows XP machine.
Also, if I run CF in a console window and press CTRL-C I see this, but I also see this behaviour if I run cfstop
Many thanks in advance!
EDIT: Some others had this issues here, but no solutions.
EDIT: Removed thread example as it might be fogging the issue. Posted code and logs.