I'm trying to learn clojure. ClojureBox appears to be similar to LispBox - http: //gigamonkeys.com/lispbox/ which I've used previously.
I'm looking for a good clojure specific tutorial on using emacs as it's configured with clojurebox.
Here are some specific questions I have:
- How do I create a new clojure file in emacs and
- Load an existing clojure file so the forms (values, functions) are available to the REPL
- What is a good project structure? If I have more than one file what is the best way to proceed and
- Does Programming Clojure http: //pragprog.com/titles/shcloj/programming-clojure answer these questions?
- Is there a better environment than clojurebox? I've tried enclojure for netbeans and it's currently broken (won't create a project correctly). Netbeans 6.7.1 and enclojure 2009-08-25-release.