



I'm using the delayed_job plugin in Rails to do background processing, and I'm experiencing a hiccup in the 'agile development' I've been experiencing so far in Rails...

Usually in rails if I hit an error / want to add some new functionality - I just add some code and refresh the page and the new code runs.

With delayed_job, it seems like the job class isn't being reloaded... if a job fails and I go and fix the error and fire the job again, the old code runs again.

Is there any way to make delayed_job load the newest version of the job class before invoking it?

Just in case this has anything to do with it - I know delayed_job has a few different options in the ways to declare jobs / run jobs:

My job class is in the lib directory of Rails and is declared like:

class FooJob <

and I'm invoking the job like this from the controller:

+1  A: 

There is nothing builtin to do this. Generally you are responsible for managing and reloading your workers. This is probably just as well since Rails development reloading is good but not perfect, and attempting to auto-reload a delayed job would potentially run into all sort subtle issues that would be pretty opaque to debug inside a worker process. Also, if it automatically reloaded the environment for every job a lot of use cases would get tremendously slow in dev mode.

My suggestion is just to get use to doing rake jobs:work and then Ctrl-C when you make changes. Alternatively you can create a script that just manually runs the jobs on an ad-hoc basis (taken from delayed_job docs):

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/environment'