Hello Sharepoint GURU,
I have a following requirement. I have a document structure where I would like to grant read only permission to specific group on sub folder within document library.
I am using Sharepoint 2007
Folder : Business <--- Document Library under business I have two sub folder.
---> 2009 --> Sub Folder --> store all docs
-----> 2010 --> Sub Folder --> store all docs
Now, I have two groups. Group A, Group B. I would like to grant read only permission for 2009 folder to Group A and grant read only permission for 2010 folder to Group B. I want to make sure Group A people cannnot access the documents under folder 2010 and vice-versa.
I have try to setup a target audience on Business folder. But I am unable to find a way to setup a permission on sub folder level. I would really appreciate your help in this matter. Please let me know how can I achieve this ? Your thoughts and suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Just let you know, I don't have much knowledge about sharepoint programming. If this can be achieve by some configuration on sharepoint client then great.